⛓Ch. 9: Extracurricular Activities (P. 2)

Começar do início

"How many milligrams were they?" Yoongi's stupid high grin doesn't leave his face as he picks up the candy bar and helps me up onto the couch.

"This chapter doesn't make any sense... it's kind of boring."

"That's not what I asked you."

I roll my eyes, "Get me the package... the package of um, edibles." I try real fucking hard to form comprehensible sentences.

I sit completely still, feeling the world move around me as he says something.

"I said, thirty milligrams."

My eyes widen as it hits me that we're fucked for at least the rest of the night after taking that while also chain smoking.

It is what it is...

"Girl the way you're moving's got me in a trance!" I start singing.

"DJ turn it up, ladies it's your jam!" Yoongi finishes the lyrics from No Hands.

"Fuck, put some music on!" I point towards my laptop on the floor to the right of him and he does as I asked.

Club music starts playing from the speakers and I hop up, dancing in a really fucking stupid way but it's okay because I'm stoned.

"This feels amazing! I haven't smoked this m-much in... I don't know... a long time." I giggle as he starts eating the cold pizza I brought out for myself.

"I can't make sense of anything right now." He mumbles through bites of food.

For at least thirty minutes we don't talk, just do our own thing while high until I get hungry and remember I brought food out.

"This is crazy," He starts to say as I sit to the left of him and start listening to what he's going to say as if it'll be something astounding and philosophical, "You piss me off for some reason but you're actually pretty chill. Never thought I'd be smoking with you, though."

"Well, you piss me off as well but I h-hit a limit today." I sigh while laying back into the couch, "I can't handle any more stress. I just... I can't. That's why I'm fucked up and you're f-fucked up and we're both fucked up in my house. Because who cares anymore." I nearly start ranting.

My body is drifting in and out of consciousness as Yoongi sits up more attentive, staring down at my features as I fall asleep. He can barely keep his own eyes open but for some reason, the struggle is worth it if it means he can see more of me before he also falls asleep.

"I know... " He whispers out, images of my recent struggles in his mind as he wishes he could genuinely comfort me - the girl he's been watching all along while in his hybrid form, "I know."


I jolt awake, confused as to why I'm halfway off of the couch and extremely fucking exhausted. Tapping the 'silence' button on my phone, my 6:30 AM alarm abruptly stops and I tuck some hair behind my ears as I notice a figure under a blanket on the couch next to me.

"Oh, fuck!" My body slides fully onto the floor, my butt hitting the white carpet.

I look at the time once again and realize that it is indeed Wednesday and I have to get the fuck to class while slightly high still.

"What the fuck... what the fuck... " I whisper to myself over and over as my trashed living room and kitchen come into focus and memories from last night flood my tiny pea brain.

"Yoongi, wake up." I place my hand on the figure to shake him awake but it's all squishy.

Pulling the blanket away, a pillow and one more blanket fall next to me onto the floor and I sigh in relief, assuming he left after sleeping or is in the bathroom.

"Yoongi?" I call out as I get up and stiffly walk down my short hallway to peak into the bathroom.

Flinching at a small, familiar sound, I slowly turn around and walk into my bedroom in confusion.

Is someone's phone going off?

Creaking the door open, I come to the sudden realization that the vibrating sounds is actually purring.

THE GUARD DOGS (OT7)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora