🎃🕯Chapter 05: "The Burning Rain Of Death!"🕯🎃

Start from the beginning

"Come on out, my dear. We will not harm thee." Winnie spoke in a sickly-sweet voice.

"We love children!" Mary yelled before slamming her hand down on the counter.

Dani jumped up in fright. My eyes went wide. "I thought thou'd never come, sisters."

"Greetings, little one." Said Winnie.

"'Twas I who brought you back." Dani lied, but they seemed to have bought it.

"Imagine..." Winnie said lowly. "Such a pretty little...child." All three of them started laughing.

I stood up and placed a reassuring hand on Dani's shoulder, straightening my back so I looked confident as I was now finally stood face to face with the sisters after many centuries. "Isn't she just?"

Winnie gave me a look of disgust, no surprise there. "Why, if it isn't thy dear...niece, the youngest Sanderson. Always a delight to see thee. Well...at least we can see thee." She then started cackling along with Mary. Sarah laughed a little, but she looked reluctant to do so.

"Look at her." Mary went up to Dani and got too close to her, so I pulled Dani behind me, blocking Mary's view from her. "And she's so well-fed, isn't she?"

I glared at Mary. "Yes, it's such a pity neither of you will be feeding upon her soul. Not today, nor ever."

Mary ignored me and got around me to get to Dani. "Plump." Dani screamed when Mary started poking her and slowly back away. "Shish-kebaby." Dani screamed again.

I tried to shove Mary out of the way and get to Dani. "Don't touch her."

"Tell me, dumpling, what is the year?" Winnie asked Dani. She linked arms with her and guided her to the chair.

"1993." Dani told her.

I shoved Mary out of the way and held a hand up to stop them from advancing. "I said don't touch her!" White magic was glowing on my hand, startling Winnie and Mary slightly.

Winnie then started laughing. "Is that all? Thy thought you'd be putting up more of a fight. Sarah, grab the girl. It's a shame, really. You'll never be able to catch up to us with weak magic like that, little halfbreed."

Before I could even think about slapping Winnie, Sarah wrapped her arms around me, making it difficult for me to get out of her hold. "Let go of me!"

"I'm so sorry." Sarah whispered in my ear before raising her voice loud enough for Winnie to hear. "It's for your own good."

Winnie shoved Dani onto the chair and grabbed Mary and Sarah's attention. "Sisters! We have been gone 300 years."

Mary looked as amazed as Winnie. "Well, Winnie, how time flies, huh, when you're dead!" All three of them laughed hysterically while Mary and Winnie skipped around Dani.

Dani laughed louder then them, but I could tell that it was because she was feeling scared and didn't know what else to do. She stopped laughing when Mary stopped skipping all of a sudden and did her signature growl as if she were a dog barking. "It's been great fun, but I guess Angie and I'd better be going." Just as she was getting up, she was shoved back down again by Winnie and Mary.

Mary looked at Winnie in confusion. "Winnie, who is the child talking about?"

"Oh, that would be Splendora." Sarah told them with a giggle. "'Angie' is short for Evangeline, thy should think so. Tis one of the names given to her at birth, after all."

"Ah, yes, innocent little Splendora Evangeline Sanderson." Winnie snickered at me. "Why am I not surprised that thou would be taking care of the child? Thou had done this many times with the people of Salem before. Well, the time for that has now passed." Winnie smirked at Dani. "Stay for supper."

Dani shook her head. "I-I'm not hungry."

"Oh, but we are." Mary and Winnie lifted Dani off the chair and forcefully tried to drag her over to the cauldron.

"No!" I yelled. I managed to shove Sarah off me and grabbed Dani, trying to pry off Mary and Winnie's hold on her. "Let her go!"

"Hey!" Max yelled, grabbing everyone's attention. "You better do as Angie says and let go of my little sister."

"Roast him, Winnie."

"No, let me. Let me play with him~"

I shook my head. "No, don't-" It was too late. Winnie had used her magic to toy with Max, zapping him so that he was facing the wall.

She laughed very loudly. "I haven't lost my touch sisters! See?"

"Max!" Dani called out to him, but Max couldn't do anything to stop Winnie, not while she was hurting him with her magic. I zapped Winnie with my own magic, knocking her off balance. This gave Allison time to grab a broom and hit Mary with it a few times, allowing me time to grab Dani and place her behind me.

Allison put aside the broom and picked up a frying pan instead. She smacked Mary in the head with it, knocking her down.

"Dani, stay behi-" "You leave my brother alone!" My eyes went wide. I thought she was behind me, but she ran towards Winnie and Sarah with her bag of treats and whacked them with it instead without me noticing.

Winnie placed both hands on either side of Dani's face, but was pulled back by a black cat, moving her away from Dani so she wouldn't be able to harm her. "Get this beast off me!"

I couldn't help but break out into a smile. "Thackery." I whispered before I ran to Dani and Max and helped them stand up. "Come on, let's get out of here." The three of us ran towards the front door where Allison was stood. I managed to grab the broom Allison used to hit Mary with earlier along the way and held it in my hand.

Max shoved Allison and Dani outside. "Go!" He turned to me with a pleading look. "Angie, please look after them for me. There's something I have to do real quick."

I nodded in understanding. "Okay, but be careful." I watched as he ran back inside before running over to Dani and Allison at a distance from the house.

"You've messed with the great and powerful Max, and now must suffer the consequences. I summon the Burning Rain of Death!" I rolled my eyes. I knew this was a trick. It's not in any of the books I've read, including Winnie's spell book. I just hope those three buy it.

A moment later, we saw Max run out with Thackery close behind. They ran together with us as we ran as far away from the witches as we could.

**End Of Chapter 05**

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