14. The Halloween Killer (Halloween Short Story)

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"You know, you guys are the weirdest siblings I ever knew; I mean, your sibling relationship is like a cat and dog who either love each other or hate each other." Allie said while looking at my brother and then at me and shrugging.
"Yeah, but either way, we'll always be each other's pain in the ass and well, sibling, no matter what happens," I said as I fixed my bookbag strap on my shoulder.

"Yeah, we might be weird, but hey, just remember you love us no matter what," Greyson said as he looked at Allie and gave her a smirk.

"Yeah, I know, so, hmm." "Are you going to the big Halloween party even though you promised to watch Halloween horror movies and eat lots of sugary snacks with us, or are you going to the party again like last year?" She asked nervously and shyly.

"I am not sure, but I might go to the party or something," he said, looking at me, then smiling.

"Well, if you don't go, you know where to find us, or maybe we will see you at the party—who knows?" I told him and chuckled.

"As long as you don't come and scare us while we are in bed and watching a horror movie, unlike the last time you scared us half to death, I still have nightmares from that movie," Allie said while looking down at the floor and trying not to feel embarrassed.

"Well, see you later, dumbass, and mom said don't be late for dinner; we are having your favorite meal, which is steak with mashed potatoes again," I yelled as he walked past me in the hallway to get to his class.

"I will try not to be late, and, oh yeah, did you know you are the school's favorite slut?" He yelled back and laughed.
"Did he just call you a slut like one of the popular girls like the cheerleaders?" "I heard they can't keep their legs closed every time they see a hot guy or even in the air doing their damn tricks," she said, then laughed so hard that she almost had an asthma attack.

A few weeks later, I got a weird-looking black envelope just like Allie's; the strangest part is that we don't know who gave it to us or how it got in our lockers in the middle of the school day. We were both standing there next to each other with the black envelope with sliver writing on it that said our names. We looked at each other and knew what was inside. It was an invitation to the biggest Halloween party at the high school that had an unknown location; sometimes it was deep in the woods or at a random barn on someone's property that no one knew about until the day of the party, which just happened to be on Halloween night.

"Are you excited, King?" Allie asked and smiled.

"Ali, you know I am, and we definitely need to go shopping for a killer dress after school, and you know what this means?" "We can actually go to the mall and be a normal girl teenager for once instead of being nerds stuck at home," I told her.

"Does this mean Greyson has to come with us, or can we just go by ourselves since..." "Well, uh, the Halloween Killer can be anywhere, and he might be watching?" Allie said and jumped on my back.

"Ahh, Ali, don't do that; I almost pissed myself, and we can go by ourselves; in fact, we are big girls." "Oh, that reminds me, my dad has a present for us, and you know what that is." I told her while trying to catch my breath.

"Let me guess: a Taser, pepper spray, and whistle again," Allie said with a smirk.
"Ding. Ding. Maybe this time we get a switchblade," I joked, knowing that my dad will probably give us one too.
"Your dad is so cool for giving us weapons, and if my dad wasn't best friends with your dad, we wouldn't be the best friends or even like sisters," she said and smiled.

"Yeah, and I wouldn't have a better crime partner like you." Speaking of our dads, do you know you will be the fire chief and I will be the chief of police? "Who knows this town will be in our hands, and we can actually run the town?" I asked her.

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