"A cop? Yeah I am." She cut him off again. "I'm also a girl, but I also grew up with six brothers so if you wanna start trying to show me the size of your big balls, do it when we're off duty."

His mouth dropped even more as she pushed past him, taking another swig of coffee.

He turned and watched as her black heels click on the stone driveway. A knee length tight black skirt clung to her legs as a black leather jacket hung off her upper body.

"Ma'am I don't know what your-"

"Here for?" Once more the powerful female cut off Carter's statement. "I'm here because you guys asked for a homicide detective and they sent me."

The male officers seemed shocked at her lack of fear in confronting them as their Captain stepped forward.

"Captain Bryce Charleston, CRPD." He spoke firmly, offering his hand out to her.

"Oakley Taylor, PPD, homicide division." She replied as she outstretched her hand and gently shook his.

"So what do you got?" She asked as he gently led her back towards the house.

"Single male victim, names Luke Jasons, aged 22, runs with a crew up in this area." The Captain spoke as he led her inside the house.

"Enemies?" Oakley asked as she looked down and saw the victim with his single shot bullet wound to the head.

"You could say that." The Captain muttered as he saw Oakley's questioning look.

"Rival gang as it were, cobras. Run by Ace Merrill and Eyeball Chambers."

Oakley scoffed. "Ace and Eyeball? What happened there? They piss their mum's off in the womb?" She laughed to herself.

"Real names John and Richard. Not the friendliest of blokes, we always got one or the other banged up." The Captain grumbled slightly.

"They're this guys only enemies?" Oakley asked as she looked down at the dead victim again.

"That we know of, as I said, there's always been the rivalry between the two groups."

"Well then," Oakley said with a sigh as she looked up at the Captain. "I'm sure they'll have plenty to say on the matter when you bring them in for questioning."

"I don't recommend you do the talking." The Captain asked.

"Oh come on, they're a couple of wannabe guys, how bad can they be?" Oakley asked as she stared up at him.


"Oh so they're arseholes." Oakley mumbled as she stared through the one way glass at the one they called Ace.

He was sat on the chair, feet up on the interrogation table, currently holding his middle finger up at the glass, knowing at least one officer was watching him.

"Better than the Chambers kid."

Oakley turned as she saw the officer, who had first greeted her on the scene and thought she was a reporter, approached her.

"Ashton Elliot." He spoke as he offered out his hand. "Though most people just call me Ash."

"Oakley Taylor." She replied as she shook his hand in turn. "Though most people just call me a news reporter."

He smiled warmly at her. "Okay so I didn't know you were a cop."

"Detective." She corrected him.

"There's a difference?" He asked blankly as the pair lowered their hands and he looked in at Ace, still holding up his middle finger.

"Big. You said he was better than the Chambers kid? Where's he?"

Ashton stepped back slightly and gestured for her to follow him.

Her heels clicked on the floor as she walked to where there was another glass looking through to the next room.

Eyeball Chambers sat in there, having removed his shirt and bundled it up on the desk as he used it as a pillow. He lay fast asleep as his mouth hung open, causing a small trail of dribble to puddle on the desk.

"These guys really don't care they've been brought in do they?" She asked as she tilted her head to her a better look at him.

"I still don't think you should go in there." Ashton mumbled.

"Let me guess," Oakley mumbled as she straightened up and faced him. "These guys are lady killers?"

Ashton shrugged but ended up nodding, it was no secret that these two had worked their way through most of the girls in town.

A small smile came to her face as she walked back to the glass of Ace's interrogation room, where of course his middle finger was still raised.

"Well then lady killers, time to meet a maneater."

First chapter as a small taster as always, let me know what you think!! ❤️

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First chapter as a small taster as always, let me know what you think!! ❤️

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