I just nod at that, because I know that if I open my mouth, I'll apologise.

"What are you doing in a dressing gown and, well... a lack of footwear?"

I shut my eyes for a brief second. The embarrassment is making me feel nauseous. "Um... well..."

He laughs, smiling with a dimple in his left cheek but not the right. Right now I can really see the resemblance between him and all his brothers. Despite his bleach-white-blonde hair, him and his whole family, even their Dad, are carbon copies of one another. "Don't worry, forget I asked. I was just here to go see my mate."

His mate is definitely who o think it is.

"Do you wanna come with? I'm sure he'll lend you something. Even though it'll probably be too many sizes too big." He continues, looking at me patiently.

How do I say no kindly? "Oh, well Thankyou for the offer-" I hesitate, I was about to say his name but I don't actually know what it is. Or more like I don't remember.

"Axel," he chuckles.

"-Axel. But... I'm late for my, um, breakfast with my Mum." I lie. Why did I say my Mum? He knows I don't have one.

"Oh, you mean Esme?" He asks, eyebrows furrowed.

I nod painfully. I'm going to throw up after this. Calling Esmerelda mum, ew I feel sick.

"Oh, cool. Well I'm happy for you. That you've met her, I mean I guess I've only known you for a day, sort of. But.. I don't know." He scratches his neck awkwardly, cheeks painted a blush pink colour. He's nervous. Or awkward. Or both. I reckon both.

I smile genuinely, just because of his kindness's, not for the fact he said he's glad I have her.

"Well then, I better go see Will. That dick will find any excuse to have a go at anyone. Even if I'm a second late. Or even on time to be honest." He states pointing a finger towards the lift.

"Yeah, okay. Bye, Axel."

"See ya, Thalia." He salutes with a playful smile.

I walk towards the exit doors and he walks towards the lift. I kind of got off easy, not going to lie. He didn't pay that much attention to my peculiar outfit. Or lack of.

I reach the exit doors feeling a little lighter. God, I love talking to nice people.


God, I hate talking to bitchy people.

There's a supermodel looking woman stood in front of me. Scanning me with her eyes judgementally. Why are we sort of having a stare off in the middle of Selfridges?

I hate this so much. I am stood in Selfridges in a dressing gown. I thought maybe I could come in here and beg for a pair of shoes. Or maybe work as many hours as I need to pay them. I didn't plan to end up in Selfridges, I was thinking more of Sainsbury's. But here we are. God knows why.

This blonde woman is making me feel tiny in her presence. I hate it. Feeling so defenceless. "Cute outfit." She taunts, chewing on some gum.

I smile sarcastically, "thanks, babe. You can borrow it some time."

She rolls her eyes and the chewing grows more aggressive. Alright, chill out babes.

"Babe, they didn't have them in stock." A voice says from behind me, and I'm pretty sure it's directed at madam gummy bear because her ears perk up.

"What?! Are you having me on?"

I'm guessing the guy behind me shakes his head because MGB (madam gummy bear) shakes head in a huff. She groans, her annoyance evident.

The shadow guy finally walks past me and next to his gal. Sliding his arms round her waist. When he looks up I realise... I know this don.

"You?!" He says, dumbfounded.

How many fucking brothers am I going to run into!

"Oh, hello." I tell him, offering an awkward smile.

He rolls his eyes, "the hell are you wearing?" He asks judgementally.

I mean - fair enough, I'd ask me what I'm wearing too, but the judgement in this man's tone is fucking rude. This guy is nowhere near as polite as Gio or Axel or Bennu. And I'm sure his other brothers too.

I roll my eyes, "I'm wearing a wedding dress, what does it look like I'm wearing?"

He scoffs, muttering something under his breath about 'weirdos'.

"You know her, Dom?" MGB asks her boyfriend (I'm guessing, I don't know their relation to each other).

He completely ignores the woman and walks off, a hand in his front jean pocket.

Hang on -

I run after him, and when I catch up I match his stride. Which seems to get a lot quicker tje longer I'm beside him. "Hey, not fucking cool. You just going to ignore your woman like that?"

He closes his eyes for a second or too. "She's not my girl."

"And? Still just plain disrespect." I retort back.

"Who the fuck asked you?" He questions, raising his tone as we near the exit doors.

"Original." I mutter.

"Just stay out of my business." He warns.

"Yes sir." I salute as he storms off.

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