Plans for today

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Steve's POV:

"Hello my darling." I pick her up and spin her around. A small fit of giggles escapes her mouth. I stop spinning and place her on my hip. While giggling she makes grabby hands towards her stuff owl.

 While giggling she makes grabby hands towards her stuff owl

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I bent down, picked it up and handed it to her. "Tank you, S'eve." She smiles. I smile softly and her and kiss the top of her head. "Of course my love." Im quite surprised with how well her and Pietro's manners are.

I carry her to the kitchen and set her down in the now ready made high chair. I strap her in and she whines. "Out out pease.." her eyes get teary and she accidentally drops the owl on the floor.

I walk over to her and gently place a kiss on her head. "It will only be for a few minutes Wanda." I tell her. She shakes her head so I bend down to pick up her owl and show it into her view. "Hold on to this guy, he'll protect you." She grabs it out of my hands and looks at it. "What do you want for breakfast?" I ask. She thinks for a moment before replying, "Pancakes..?" She was very hesitant about her answer. I give her a small smile, "Of course darling."

As I'm making the pancakes I turn to the girl, "So you have a name for him yet?" I ask. She shakes her head, "Nuh uhh. No name." She replied. I nod in agreement.

I hear the elevator door open. Out comes a Natasha and Pietro hold is stuff elephant.

 Out comes a Natasha and Pietro hold is stuff elephant

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"Good morning babe. Morning Steve." Nat says to us. "Mo'ning nasha!" Wanda calls out.

Nat surely planted a huge smile of her face. "When did she start talking?" She asks walking up to Wanda, kissing her on the top of her head and sitting Pietro down in the high chair. "This morning." I reply.

Natasha's POV:

Finally both kids have started talking. I smile and Wanda and Pietro having their own little toddler like conversations.

I notice Steve making something at the oven so I decide to try something. I go up from behind him and wrap my arms around his waist. "I think you'll find this is the wrong way around." He replies. I can hear the smirk on his face increase. "Oh yea Rogers? Prove it then." I smirk.

I didn't have to tell him twice cause the next thing I knew, I was in front of Steve with his arms around my waist. "Oh how the roles have changed." I smile and this and I swear I saw him smile to.

He turns backs and finishes the pancakes. He made two for each adult and one for the twins. He hands me two plates and I hand them to the kids. "Here you go babies." I tell them. They both smile. "Thanks you Na'sha." They both tell me. I nod my head and sit down beside them.

Steve comes over and hands me a plate. He then sits on the opposite side of me where Pietro is. Us four talk for a while.

Eventually by 9 everyone was up. Me and Stev had taken the twins upstairs to get them changed and ourselves.

I dressed Wanda up in a bright yellow shirt with a sunflower black skirt. I tied her hair up into two French braids.

I set her down on my bed while I got changed into a similar but more simpler type outfit, instead of a flower skirt it's just plain black but other then that the rest is the same

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I set her down on my bed while I got changed into a similar but more simpler type outfit, instead of a flower skirt it's just plain black but other then that the rest is the same.

I pick her back up and her head goes on my shoulder, "Nasha Nasha, me wi'h Nasha." She sang. I smiled and kissed her cheek. "That's right babe, Nasha's here." I spin her around in a circle and she lets out a fit of giggles. I pull her close after a minute or two and just wait for her to calm before asking, "Wanna go see the others?" I ask. She nods. I leave my room and close the door.

When we got down stairs everyone was there. "Nasha, Wanda!" Pietro calls when he sees us. He had on a "Wild & three shirt" with jeans. "Hello baby."

I set Wanda down on the floor beside Pietro and the two hug before walking of to the couch to continue their little game with the owl and elephant

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I set Wanda down on the floor beside Pietro and the two hug before walking of to the couch to continue their little game with the owl and elephant.

"So what's the plan for today?" Vision asks to No in particular. We have loads of ideas we can do yet with the kids anxiety with the car it limits quite a lot of things. We could try and just hope for the best but yesterday was quite hard. We all just sit in silence thinking of things we can do. "I know we had a problem with it yesterday but what if we go to one of Tony's private beach? We could either drive or go to the one that's not far from here?" Yelena offers. We all think before agreeing. "Right then so let's say we leave in an hour, at 10:15 and we should get there by 10:45. We can stay there till about 5 or 6 then leave and since Sam it's your turn to cook we can eat out or you can make us something." Tony tells us. Everyone agrees and we all go are separate ways to collect and chill for an hour.

Eventually an hour passes. We all decided it would be best to walk there for some family bonding time, cause why not. About thirty minutes later we arrived!


Hey guys! Sorry for such a short chapter I didn't really know what else to put in so that's the best I can get.

Anyway be prepared because a lot of drama is coming up very soon!

Have a fantastic day/night!

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