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No One's POV:

Tong turned back to the now older kids then the twins. "How about you two go find your daddy, yeah?" The kids nodded and ran out of the room.

He finally looks back at the two kids asleep on couch. Finally noticing all of the little details. For example, the where both covers in bruises and cuts as well as some burns to. They are both very pale and very skinny. So much to where it looks very unhealthy. His expression changed to a much softer look then before as he slowly walked up to the two kids.

He gently shook their shoulders very gently, "Hey.. wake up, kids.." he whispered. Wandas eyes gently fluttered open and she instantly panicked not knowing where she was. She soon landed eyes on Tony and fear immediately took over her whole body. She sat up and crawled to the very back of the couches, tears already spilling from her eyes. "Hey hey shhhh it's okay.. I'm not gonna hurt you.." He told her. To prove that, he backed up a lot. Pietro soon awoke due to his sisters cries and he wrapped her in a hug.

After a while she stopped crying yet the fear from her eyes never left. Neither did Pietros. Tony keeps his distance," Hey, kiddos.. do you want to come with me..? I'll keep you two safe I promise. You can meet the rest of the family." He smiled warmly at them. They both look at him, fear is dropping from their eyes. Still very cautious of Wanda makes grabby hands to him as Tony slowly walks up and picks Wanda up in his arm. She flinched at the touch and Tony felt it so he lighted his grip on her so that she's still supported but not enough to make her scared. Wanda noticed that her brother wasn't her she she looked down at him and starts to whine, Pietro hears this and makes grabby hand to be picked up.

Tony dose this and carries the two out of the lab. He notices that they don't say a word and seem to communicate through their eyes or on their mind, he doesn't know. Tony still noticed how both of them are terrified of him but, He did however hear a small noise coming from the older twin. Tony stopped and looked down at him, "Sorry what was that again? I didn't hear you kiddo." Tony whispered. Pietro mumbled the words 'hit?' very quietly. Tony had only just heard him. "No.. no of course it kiddo. None here is ever gonna hit either of. Not for fun, boredom or if you pull a mistake. No one will I promise." Pietro looks at me before shifting his gaze back to the floor. "I'm gonna go take you to meet the others. None of them will hurt either of you two kids as they love you both so much." He places a kiss against the twins foreheads and stared to walk. They both still looked nervous with fear in their eyes.

They got back to the others and walked through the door to see everyone there. No none had noticed until Wanda let out a noise signalising that she was terrified of the loud chatter. Pietro followed and done the same. "Shhh... sh sh sh sh shhh... it's okay. Just breath, it's alright kiddos." Tony whispered. This is gonna be a long day..

Sam's POV:

We were all just talking, doing our own things when Tony coughed and we all turned to face him. None of us were expecting what we saw. Two very small toddlers were sat in Tony's arms, fear completely in their eyes and the where covered in bruises. "Tony.. is that Wanda and Pietro..?" Nat asked ever so softly to not scare the two even more. Tony nodded, "Yes they are." He whispers something into the twins ears before walking over to a spare couch. We all looked at each other, sympathy drew across all our faces.

Nat stood up and slowly walked over to them, keeping her distance from them, "Hey, little ones." She whispered. Wanda looked at her and gripped onto Tony's shirt tighter. Pietro just look at Nat the back to Wanda then looked at all of us. Pietro turned back to Tony and whispered something in his ear. Tony's face grew more softer then before, "No no darling. No one here will hit you. No one and if they do, they will have to face me. I promise you that you are okay." Hurt fell onto all our faces. They are so young, they shouldn't be fearing on if we would hurt them, it's just wrong.

Wanda looked up at Nat then looked around till her eyes landed on Bucky. "Buby..." she mouthed the work Bucky. It looks like she doesn't like to talk. I stand up and move over so Bucky can sit closer to the twins. Bucky moves a little closer. "Hey sweethearts.." He whispered. Wandas and Pietros eyes widened with excitement and they both held out their small arms. Bucky grabbed the twins and them in his arms. It appeared that the twins had recognised him most likely from Hydra. Bucky smiled as both twins fell asleep onto his shoulder.

"How'd this happen?" I asked.

Natasha's POV:

"How'd this happened?" Sam asked. We all looked at Tony whilst Bucky kept bouncing the twins. "We'll Lila and Copper ran into me. I lost my balance and dropped the project on the floor. I only noticed they were babies with Copper was staring at them. I told them to go back to Clint and speaking of Clint, where is he?" Tony replied. He looked around the room trying to find Clint. "He took the kids to bed so he could start packing up their stuff. He'll be back in a moment." I replied and as if on cue, Clint walked through the elevator.
"So we have two new toddlers for a while then?" He asked.

We all nodded. He walked down to join us. Clint sat down beside me. Eventually one by one we slowly disappeared into our own rooms. Bucky took the kids back to his room. And I'm assuming Clint took Lila and Copper back to Laura.

I got to my room and instantly fell asleep the second my head hit the pillow, thinking about the new babies in the compound.

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