Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

Nymeria looked at her mother as she begged her to come to dragon stone. Nymeria thought about it for a split second then looked around her and Aemonds Chambers "I cannot"

"Nymeria" Rhaenyra utters "They want Aegon on the throne if anything where to happen you would be safe in Dragons tone. You are my Heir"

"The king is not dead. And I will never leave Aemond whatever he may do"

"When you walked out he attacked your brothers" Rhaenyra tells her daughter "I fear for your safety"

"Mother you will be Queen and one day I shall be. But my life is here with my son and daughters"


"You must return to dragonstone" Nymeria replies "I do love you mother"

Rhaenyra stands still then gives a soft smile to her daughter and says "I love you as well" and walks out.

Nymeria fell down onto her bed and a few tears fell from her eyes. She could and would never leave Aemond even if he harmed her brother she couldn't.

Nymeria soon fell into slumber.

The next morning Nymeria awoke up early and her husband was not in there bed. As Nymeria got into a diffent dress and walked out her chambers. She saw how dark it was and there where few people running around.

Nymeria did not pay attention to this as she walked to her sons chambers to make sure he was alright from last night. Last she saw of him was Alicent running over and picking him up.

Nymeria walked through the halls and arrived at her sons room and walked in. She looked at her sleeping son and smiled as she thought on how he was just like her father.

Nymeria did not want to wake her son up but as she walked over to hsi bed she saw him stire awake and look at her.

"Mama" Aerion groans as his eyes open and he looks at his mother "Is something wrong"

Nymeria walks over to him and sits down "My dear boy nothing is. Every thing is fine"

"I don't want to loose you mama" Aerion says out of the blue.

"And why would you ever loose me"

"I do not know" Aerion yawned.

"Go back to sleep my love" Nymeria tells her son as he hugs into her.

"Mother what is going on" Aemond asks as he sees his mother stand up and walks away from Helaena and towards him.

"Your father has died" Alicent tells him.

"There's something else is there not"

"Aegon will be king"

"Nymeria does not know does she"

"I fear she does not. Your fathers dying wish was to put Aegon on the throne and"

"And what mother" Aemond snaps "Nymeria will fight back"

"Your son Aerion. Visery last words where Aerion must survive. He is the dragons destiny"

"And what the fuck is the dragon destiny"

"I don't know. But you must find Nymeria and tell her of what is to happen and try keep her on our side. If you do not you will loose her and your children"

Aemond nods his head "I will but if I do loose her you will be to blame"

After her son had fallen to sleep Nymeria watched Aerion to intend his safety. She had a feeling something was wrong still but she did to know. And hoped the feeling was nothing until she saw her husband walk into there sons chambers.

She jumped up from her sons bed and rushes over to her husband and embraced him "Aemond I thought you hated me"

"Why on earth would I hate you my love" Aemond whispered so he would not wake his sleeping son up.

"Aemond you acted out of order last night. But I would never leave you" Nymeria utters and pulls her husband into a small kiss before he pushes her away.

"Meria he's dead"

"Who is"

"My father"


"They are to crown Aegon when he is found" Aemond tells his wife as he watches tears fall from her eyes and it breaks her "They are not going to come after you or our family"

"He's not dead" Nymeria snapped.

"King Viserys is gone and in his place will be Aegon"

"And what of my mother what of me and our son"

"Meria our son is destined for great things and you shall not be harmed"

"And what of my fucking mother" Nymeria cried "Tell me doea Otto Hightower plan there Murder"

"Nymeria they shall not be harmed. But I must help my mother find Aegon"

"I understand"

"Tell me your on our side. Promise me you won't leave" Aemond mumbles as Nymeria places her forehead against her husbands.

"I understand my love" Nymeria says before placing a light kiss against Aemonda cheek "Find your brother"

Aemond quickly leaves the room leavong Nymeria standing there regretting that she did not leave with her mother. She looked at her sleeping son and after a few minutes she walked out of his chambers and looked at the trusted guards she had "Sir Lloyd"

"Princess how may I serve you" He answered back.

"I am going to find my grandmother. But whilst I do I want a ship ready to set sail for dragonstone. I want my you to take my son to my mother"


"My daughters Princess Aerea and Irri will be alright here. I need you to take My son to my mother before night fall"  Nymeria demanded. She knew people would go after her mother but they would go after her and her son first. Her daughters had no right to thr throne and she knew they would be fine all she cared about was getting her son as far as way as possible.

"Of course Princess"

Nymeria then rushed of the down the dark halls to find her grandmother. She made a promise to her father to protect Rhaenyra her mother at all costs and she would do so.

An- Welcome to epsiode nine. I've seen the trailer for epsidoe ten and I do not want Lucerys to die.

Anyways hope you enjoy and I do have one question should i change it that Aemond does not die?

Also the title of their book is The Fall Of Nymeria for a reason

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