chapter 21

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Jisung didn't even thought any seconds when he reached the parking lot and ran while holding seungmin's hand. He was running through the college with seungmin.

He was searching for Felix, his new friend who kissed his brother and didn't tell him.

" Han-ah where are you running like that i am tired, i can't run anymore"

Seungmin stopped running and tried to catch his breath.

" Seungmin - ah there is a lot of things going on that we don't know"

" What are you even talking about i always share everything with you, let me breath i don't wanna run "

" You know someone kissed changbin hyung "

" So what, do you really think your hyung a grown up person who didn't even kissed anyone, and i don't understand why we are running for that "

" Your not getting the seriousness, the someone who kissed hyung is lixie "

" What ? "

" Yes and i didn't got everything fully because i was half asleep when hyung talked with him "

Seungmin looked at jisung while his eyes went big.

" And he didn't told us, let's catch that little chick and give him a good lesson"

" That's why I am running come let's go "

Jisung again hold seungmin's wrist and pulled him.

" Jisung-ah i do wanna know the tea but i can't run anymore let's give a call to lixie "

" Do you really think he is gonna pickup the call "

" Then let's call your brother in law, i think he know where is lixie"

Seungmin took his phone and called Jeongin and he attended the call.

" Hyung... "

" Innie we don't have much time, so answer fastly is lixie with you "

" No hyung he didn't came to college today, what happened "

" Ahh.. it was really urgent, tell me where Is his home we can all go "

Jisung also liked the idea, going to felix's home and get every news. He have been searching for Felix from the day he collapsed.

" That will be a bit problem hyung, why don't we call him out and talk "

Jeongin told seungmin because he know taking jisung into Lee's home is a big problem.

" Noo... He is not gonna come "

" Then what we should, first of all what is the urgent matter "

" Hey innie we can talk that when lixie is also here, so why don't you call him outside into some cafe or something and don't tell him me and jisung is with you just tell him you have something to tell him "

" Okey hyung i will try my best "

Jeongin cut the call and called Felix


Felix was waiting for Jeongin in a coffee shop near to their College. He was waiting for like five minutes when the coffee shop's door opened and there came not only Jeongin but seungmin and Jisung also.

Felix stood up abruptly from his seat when he saw jisung, he didn't know what to do he wanted to run away.

" Don't even think about running away, sit down"

PEACH AND COFFEE, A MINSUNG FFTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon