chapter 18

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Seungmin slept the whole ride. They went to hyunjin's apartment. Seungmin always stay there because his parents won't be in their home, they have a busy job. And he likes to stay with his boyfriend. Even though he is clingy.

When they reached hyunjin looked and saw seungmin sleeping. He slowly touched his cheek to wake him up but he felt so hot.

" Is he having a fever. He always stay awake at night and lost a lot of sleep.
Do he really have to study that much and become sick "

Hyunjin said to himself and sighed

He carried seungmin in bridal style and went to their apartment.

When they reached infront of the door hyunjin struggled to open the door with seungmin in his hands. some how he put the passcode and opened the door.

Hyunjin was about to open their room door when seungmin opened his eyes

" Oh did i wake you from your sleep "

" No.. i need some water "

Seungmin said while holding his hands around hyunjin's neck

" Not only water, you need medicine for cold also, you have a fever, how many time i told you to have enough sleep"

Hyunjin said while laying seungmin in the couch in living room.

Hyunjin went to kitchen to take water and some medicine. But he felt a strong scent that he can't resist.

he couldn't control his self and went to check seungmin.

The vanilla smell was filled their entire living room

When he reached the living room there seungmin trying to unbutton his shirt while releasing his pheromone

" Baby what happened "

" It's so hot.. I... I.. I can't hyu.. hyunjin-ah please help me "

Seungmin was tearing up and looking at hyunjin with his puppy eyes

" Ba.. baby are you in your heat"

Hyunjin said while clutching his chest. He was losing his self slowly and his alpha was taking over him

" I don't know, but.. but please help me, give me your pheromone. I need you"

Seungmin started crying and started to unbutton his shirt again while saying it's hot.

Hyunjin can't control his alpha anymore. His marked omega is in heat and asking for him. He went near and attached his lips with seungmin.

Seungmin opened his mouth so his alpha can eat him Fully. He felt so happy when his alpha hold him tightly.

Hyunjin put his tongue inside seungmin's mouth and enjoyed every corner. Hyunjin could never get enough of seungmin.

Seungmin started to moan into those kisses. But started to cry when he felt the pain. His whole body was in pain.

" Shhh.. don't cry i will make every pain in you go away, okay

I will never allow anyone to hurt my baby"

Hyunjin slowly caressed seungmin's cheeks

Seungmin nodded his head slowly still tears coming down. Hyunjin licked those tears away and lifted seungmin in bridal style and went to their room slowly put him in the bead and hovered over him.

Hyunjin started to kiss seungmin's lips again aggressively and seungmin hold hyunjin's hair tightly while giving small moans into hyunjin's mouth.

That moans was more than enough for hyunjin to get awaken his member but there is more now, seungmin's addictive pheromone.

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