New Sonic AU Idea!

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So, in a fight with Eggman, Sonic, Tails, and a few others find that the doctor has trapped them in a building he's going to explode.

They manage to get out, but Tails gets trapped inside a different room from the others.

When Sonic attempts to run in and find him, the building detonates and Tails is seemingly lost.

Sonic and the others are devastated.

However, Eggman finds the half-dead Fox and takes him to his lab and turns him into a cyborg.

He messes with Tails' memories, convincing him that the others had left him to die.

Now, Tails wants revenge, helping Eggman and turning Mobius into a fearing post-apocalyptic-like world.

The others don't know what happened to their old friend's mind, but are LIVID at Eggman.

Sonic blames himself, and is dedicating everything to trying to help his little buddy.

The Used!Tails AU

Whaddya guys think? Should I make something with this AU?

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