How Sonic Met Tails in My Hybrid!AU Part 4/Final Part

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Sonic soon got to Maddie and Tom's house. He felt relieved to see the neat, stable structure. He almost felt guilty for living in such a wonderful house; meanwhile, Miles was caught up in a horrible situation and a house Sonic was surprised he could live up to five years in.

Now, he could help him. He was needed as a hero, and as something more.

A friend.

Dare he even say brother?

'No, that would be crazy.' He thought. But one look at Miles sleeping peacefully in his arms, and he had a sense of what that was. He was a brother to this child.

He smiled, then opened the door to the house. He looked at the two humans, who had seemed to be waiting for him. The brown-haired man, Tom, stood up. He was relieved. Maddie sighed, leaning back in relaxation.

The two of them suddenly paused, then looked back to Sonic. Their eyes trailed from said Hedgehog, to the sleeping Fox in his arms. "Um, long story, guys." He said, smiling nervously.

After a lengthy explanation, Sonic held his breath, worried about how his adoptive parents would react. To his relief, Maddie awed. There was a mixture of sorrow and adoration in her voice. She went over and took Miles from Sonic's arms. Since she was a vet, Sonic managed to trust her enough to let go.

"I'll patch up his injuries. I'll be right back." She assured, walking off to her home office, where she practiced her skills on wounded animals she found outside. Sonic looked tense, but he relented any distrust. He sat down next to Tom, who had as well after relaxing.

Sonic looked down at his shoes, trying to process everything that had happened. Tom moved closer, sensing the Hedgehog's worry. "You did the right thing, Sonic." He said, his voice calm. "It's not right... all that's happened to him." Sonic sighed, looking up. "He's just a kid." He added.

Tom nodded sadly, "Things like that happen in life. It really is unfair, and it hurts that we can't control it." He said. Sonic crossed his arms, leaning back. He knew it was true, but that didn't mean he liked it.

"But, we can control what we're doing with all that unfairness. You've told me before you want to help people. And that's what you did. You helped this kid." Tom continued. Sonic managed a smile, looking up at him. "And I'm proud of you for that." He finished.

Sonic felt tears welling in his eyes and hugged Tom. The latter smiled and hugged back. Maddie came back over, her long black hair now tied back. "Poor guy's still fast asleep, but I banaged all his wounds." She said, sitting down as well.

"His leg had a fracture in it, but it'll heal." She assured, explaining further. Sonic shifted in nervousness. "You can go see hi-" Before she finished the last word, Sonic bolted off to the home office.

Tom smiled, "Seems like he's excited to have this kid here." He said. Maddie nodded, "He'll be a good addition to the family." She said softly.

Sonic dashed into the room and saw Miles sleeping peacefully on a cot in the corner. He sighed, relieved to see him alright. He winced a bit at the cast on the Fox's right leg, but knew that Maddie was good at her job. He would be alright.

He sat down next to the cot and yawned softly. He leaned on the wall. "Goodnight, Miles." He said, then curled up on the ground and fell asleep. The Fox's tails swished, managing to cover the Hedgehog. The latter smiled in his sleep.

This was comforting.

This was family.

This was everything Sonic wanted. To be needed. To be a part of a home. To have someone to help him help others.

To be a brother.

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