How Sonic Met Tails in My Hybrid!AU Part 1

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(A/N: *Looks up lore* *Finds out Tails' parents are* Hm... *Casually kills canon story* *Casually kills off parents* =D)


With the death of his parents, Jules and Bernadette, and the departure of his siblings, Manic and Sonia, Sonic feels empty without a sense of family. Even though he has a nice couple, Maddie and Tom, taking care of him, he also misses his foster mother Longclaw. But, things are about to take a turn (One for the better).

Sonic: 13
Tails: 5

The Sun blazed as a young Hedgehog hybrid named Sonic ran around the park. Even though he was keeping his pace slower, his friend Knuckles the Echidna could barely keep up. Sonic knew how to taunt his friend, keeping just out of reach, laughing as Knuckles attempted tagging him. How wonderful it was to be a kid, zooming around in the midafternoon warmth.

Eventually, Sonic was startled by an "out of nowhere" playset and skidded to a stop. Knuckles tackled him, letting out a "HAH" of victory. Sonic laughed as he wriggled away, stopping the game. "Alright, alright, you won!" He admitted, raising his hands in defeat. Knuckles smiled smugly, "You're right: that WAS fun!" He said, shuffling up and brushing off some sawdust. He looked up at the sky, his eyes squinting to tell what time it was.

"We better get going," he said, "Mr. and Mrs. Rose would be upset if I were late."

Knuckles had been living with their friend, Amy's, parents. He didn't have any family anyway, being the last Echidna. Sonic nodded, getting the mental reminder that Tom and Maddie wanted him back home in at least two hours.

"Cya later, Knux!" He said, waving as Knuckles walked off. "Say hi to Ames for me!" WIth that, the Echidna was out of sight.

Sonic smiled in satisfaction, deciding to take a quick walk around the neighborhood, then took off, a blue glow lighting where he'd been. He turned corners and skidded across the pavement, and nearly ran into a merchant, who laughed and told him to slow down.

He took this into consideration and slowed to a stroll. He never seemed to really take in where he lived; yet, it was a beautiful place. Hybrids and humans lived in harmony, and - besides a few ambushes from the crazy Dr. Eggman - it was peaceful. He loved this place.

It was home.

And, no matter how often his bullies bothered him or felt out of place, he'd never want to live anywhere else. However, there was always one thing he could never quite overlook—his want of family.

Yes, he had Maddie and Tom, two wonderful adoptive parents, who cared for him like their own son. But, he lost his birth parents young, and his sibling had gone off and grown distant.

His first caretaker, Longclaw the Owl, was protective and fierce, but she was long gone.

So many losses, but he found fulfillment when he'd saved this place from Eggman. He loved being necessary for his home. He was finally needed, instead of needing everyone else. Now that everything was peaceful, he wished to be needed again. To have someone to help again. Maybe even have someone else to help him help.

He could share the wonderful feeling.

In other words, he was lonely.

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