Chapter 8

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The next few days were filled with conversations about Filch's cat and the Chamber of Secrets.  It probably didn't help that Filch kept pacing around the scene of the crime in a very bad mood.  Most people started to simply avoid that corridor at all costs in order to avoid Filch.

Through all this Ginny had been acting very disturbed.  Ron said that it was because she was a great cat lover, but i wasn't too sure.  It was impossible to love Mrs Norris, even if she was a cat, so there had to be another reason.  However she wouldn't tell me the real reason she was disturbed so i tried to ignore it and hoped that Ginny would get back to normal soon.

Hermione also started acting a bit weird and spent every waking moment in the library, i knew she liked to read but she never read that much.  She only told Harry, Ron and I why she spent so much time reading one day while i was with them in the library trying to finish my Potions essay.  "All the copies of Hogwarts, A History have been taken out," she said, sitting down next to Harry.  "And there is a two week waiting list.  I wish I hadn't left my copy at home, but i couldn't fit it in my trunk with all the Lockhart books."

"I have a copy if want it." I said, but i was ignored.

"Why do you want it?" Harry said.

"The same reason everyone else wants it," said Hermione, "to read up on the Chamber of Secrets."

"What's that?" Harry asked quickly.

"That's just it.  I can't remember." said Hermione biting her lip.  "And i can't find the story anywhere else --"

"I know what it is." I interrupted Hermione.  This time i wasn't ignored.

"Well tell us already, what is it?" Hermione said eagerly.

"Once upon a time, over a thousand years ago, four people got together and created a magical school callled Hogwarts." I started, but was soon interrupted by Hermione saying "We know that part already, just get to the part of the Chamber, the bell is about to ring."

"fine" i huffed and continued.  "You guys know how Salazar Slytherin wanted to accept only purebloods and how he and Godric Gryffindor had a fight about it, causing Salazar to leave?  Well before he left Salazar Slytherin made a secret place in this school and sealed it so no one but his own true heir would be able to open it and release the monster that was inside."  

At that moment the bell rang and we all parted ways, they were headed to History of Magic while i ran to Transfiguration.  "Good Luck, and try not to fall asleep too soon" I called as they left.

"What's the point of trying anymore? We are still bound to fall asleep within five minutes." Ron called back.  That's true.  I thought to myself as i made my way to transfiguration, Professor Binns had ignored my request so his classes were as boring as ever.  


The next few days i tried to find some alone time with the trio in order to finish telling them about the Chamber.  The opportunity didn't arise until Thursday.  I had found the trio in the common room after everyone had went to bed.

"Hey" I greeted them, "are you ready to hear what else I know about the Chamber?"

"Yes!" They all said (Ron rather eagerly) as they closed their books.

"Okay, but i've got to warn you i don't know much else.  Father just told me that the last time the Chamber was opened was 50 years ago and that someone died".

"Gee that really helps a lot." Ron said sarcastically.

"Who can it be this time though?" Hermione wondered out loud.  "Who'd want to frighten all the squibs and muggle-borns out of Hogwarts?"

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