Chapter 9

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It was now 11:00 am on the dreaded Saturday.  I quickly dressed in a green long sleeved shirt with a silver tank top over that, some regular skinny jeans and my favorite pair of worn out converse.  As i was leaving i decided to add some silver earrings just to complete the look.  I really hoped that if i dressed in Slytherin colors my father would take it easy on me.  I knew it was bound to be a lost cause, but one can hope.

When i got to the Great Hall for breakfast the Slytherins were cat-calling and whistling.  Draco came up to me and whispered "nice outfit, I love the colors." I just glared at him and went to sit down at the Gryffindor table.  A couple Gryffindors were glaring at me and showing their disapproval but i just ignored them.  I was quietly eating when i see Elitep come and deliver me a letter.  I got it and went up to my dormitory to read it.  I wanted to read it alone and that was too dangerous to do while at the Great Hall, anyone could simply look over my shoulder and read the letter and find out everything.

When I finally opened the letter i saw it was from my father.  I felt myself pale a bit, wondering what the letter could contain this time.  I decided the only way i could find out what Father wanted was to read it, so that's what i did.


I know we had agreed for you to meet me at the Manor today for you know what.  However, some problems have arised making it impossible for you to come here.  That is why I will be meeting you at Hogwarts and we will talk there.  I will see you today at midday.

                You Father,

               Lucius Malfoy

Oh brilliant I thought as i finished reading the letter. Couldn't Father see how dangerous it was to have the meeting here at Hogwarts?  Anyone could simply walk in on us and find out everything!  And then i would definitely be in trouble, since nothing could ever be kept a secret in this school.  I knew there wasn't much I could do to make sure no one found out, except... DRACO! I thought.  He could make sure no one interupted the meeting with Father, and i could trust him.  

With that thought i quickly ran out of the Gryffindor Tower and started looking for him.  Now, where could he be?  Five minutes later i finally found him on the way to the dungeons.  

"Draco!" I called out as i ran to catch up with him.  "I need a huge favor from you" I said, slightly out of breathe as i pushed him into a nearby empty classroom.  I explained to him the situation and he finally agreed that he would try to keep everyone away from the empty classroom by the Great Hall at midday today.  I thanked him and went to find GInny.  I needed some normal girl time, just hanging out.  Hermione would be of almost no help with that since she is always with Harry and Ron and well all they talk about is some giant mysterious plan that they have in order to find out the happenings at this school, like why all the muggleborns are disappearing.  And frankly that can get kind of boring, seriously can't they ever relax?

I didn't find Ginny, but as I was walking by Moaning Myrtle's bathroom I saw a new message underneath the first one.  

Her skeleton will lie in the Chamber forever

I read aloud.  I stared at the message on the wall wondering whose handwriting it was and who had written it.  The more I stared at the message the more I realized that it kind of resembled Ginny's handwriting.  But she wouldn't write something like that, would she?  I was worried about that.  Screw relax time! I needed to talk to Harry, Ron and Hermione about this! This was something big and I knew that they could figure it out, they've been after this case for months.

I was looking for them when suddenly my watch beeped telling me it was midday.  Time to meet with my father, I thought while slowly trudging down to the front doors to meet with him.  Could this meeting come at a more unwelcome time? I needed to discuss what I just saw with the trio! I couldn't think of what to tell my father just now!

"Hello Father" I greeted him respectfully when he arrived.  

"Good Afternoon Samantha.  Now let's get down to business shall we? I have a rather important meeting at the Ministry later."  He greeted, his cold grey eyes staring down at me like usual.

I led him to the empty classroom I had discussed with Draco earlier and started thinking of something i could tell him about Harry.

"Harry Potter is a teenager with a lot of angst who values friendship above all and likes to be a hero.  He will do anything possible to save his friends and their loved ones." I say slowly but confidently.  My father would get mad at me if i'm not confident saying that as a pureblood and a descendant of the noble Malfoy house I should show confidence no matter what.

"Ok is that all?" he asks, his hand going to the cane he always carries around with him.

"Umm, No Father" I say quickly, knowing he's not contempt with the information I gave him and is ready to punish me.

"He is also very intersted in solving the mystery of the Chamber of Secrets and would do anything in his power to defeat evil." I'm about to continue when i'm interrupted by a scream of anger and the sound of footsteps running away.  I open the door and in the distance I can see Harry.

"Harry! Wait! I can explain!" I yell running after him.  

"There's no need to explain! You betrayed me Sam! I thought you were my friend, but all this time you were using me to get information and then reporting it to your father!"  Harry yells back, tears running down his face.

"You don't know the whole story! If you could please just hear me out!" I plead.

"I don't need to hear you out! You betrayed me, that's all I need to know!  You know, when we met you said you were different from your family.  Now i truly know how different you are.  Your family may be mean and evil, but they would never betray a friend like this.  You are worse than your family Sam. And don't come after me. I never want to see you again."

With that Harry ran off and I stood there shocked for a few minutes before going back to my father. 

"Now, Samantha, continue with what you found out." my father said once I was back in the room.

"No!" I yelled, anger running through my veins at the thought of how my father had caused me to betray Harry's trust. "I will not tell you any more! It was a mistake telling you anything about my friend! And yes, you heard correctly, i called Harry James Potter my friend!"

With that said I turned around and walked out of the room. 

"If you walk out now you will be disowned from this family." My father warns me. But I just ignored his warning and walked out.

I might regret this soon, being 11 years old and having to fend for myself, but at this moment I didn't care.  My father had made me betray my friends in order to prove that I deserved to be a Malfoy and I finally had the guts to stand up to him.  That made me feel really good, like I was finally brave enough to be in Gryffindor.

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