Chapter 2

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I woke up the next morning when i felt myself getting drenched in cold water. "what the hell was that about!?" i asked the only person in the room, a girl with flaming red hair that reminded me a bit of Ron. I was really angry because frankly i am not a morning person. The red-haired girl responded "I'm really sorry but it was time to wake up and you wouldn't wake. It's the only way i could think of that was sure to wake you up, and i didn't want you to miss breakfast, I saw the way you ate last night" she said shrugging. I smiled slightly embarrassed "Yeah, i do tend to eat alot. Thanks for waking me up, and i'm sorry for yelling at you i'm just not a morning person." "i thought you might not be a morning person when you woke up angry. I'm Ginny by the way" she said. I smiled at Ginny "Sam. And i really am sorry for yelling at you" i answered while using my wand to dry myself off and started getting ready.

10 minutes later me and Ginny, who insisted on waiting for me, started heading to the Great Hall for breakfast. The Slytherins gave me angry and betrayed looks as i walked past their table, but i simply ignored them, only glancing at them for a few seconds to see that Draco had calmed down. When we reached the Gryffindor table Ginny and i sat down next to Hermione, who had saved us a seat. "I'm really sorry, we would have waited for you in the common room, but it was getting late and Ron was really hungry" Hermione said as soon as we sat down. "It's alright" i said while piling food onto my plate "and i overslept. If Ginny here hadn't woken me up i'd still be curled up in bed having a nice peaceful sleep" i continued, and shot Ginny a playful glare.

I continued eating in silence until i felt a light peck on my arm. I looked up from my plate and saw that it was Elitep, the family owl. I groaned as i untied the letter from it's leg. It was definitely a letter from my parents, thankfully the letter wasn't red, which meant it wasn't a Howler like i had been expecting.  I felt myself getting pale, paler than usual that is, as i read the letter.  It read:


 I have received word from Hogwarts that you have been sorted into Gryffindor.  You know that that is going against our expectations for you.  That is why i have arranged with Professor Dumbledore for you to take the Floo Network from his office today after your classes finish, so you and i can have a little  'chat'.

         Your Father,

        Lucius Malfoy

P.S. the password is Candy Cane.

Ugh! i knew what that little 'chat' would involve and i hated it.  Ginny saying my name broke me out of my daze,  "we have to get to Transfiguration or we'll be late".  "k" i replied as i followed her to the classroom.  As we were leaving the Great Hall i remembered about everyone else, so i turned ready to wave goodbye, but they weren't there.  "Hey Ginny, where is Hermione and everyone?" i asked running to catch up with her.  "They already went to class, they had Potions so they couldn't be late. Didn't you know? i mean they did say goodbye, well everyone except Ron.  I really don't know what his problem is..." she trailed on.  I shrugged, not really caring.

School went by quickly, much to my disappointment.  Why is it that every time you want time to slow down it speeds up?  So i had just finished dinner and was headed over to Dumbledore's office.  "Candy Cane" I said to the stone gargoyle that guarded Dumbledore's office.  What is up with these stupid passwords i wondered to myself.  The gargoyle had jumped aside, so i went upstairs and knocked on the door.  "Come in" Dumbledore said.  i walked in dreading what was going to happen at home.  "Ah, Samantha, yes your father told me he needed to talk to you. You may go home, but please be back for school tomorrow".  "Yes Professor" i responded as i walked over to the fireplace.  I got the Floo Powder from a bag that hung beside the fireplace and shouted "MALFOY MANOR!" very clearly.

A few seconds later i arrived in the drawing room of my house.  I stood up and fixed my clothes and hair (which had gotten messed up when i traveled), when the house elf came in. "Mistress Samantha" he said bowing deeply "would you like anything?".  "No thank you, Dobby" i said quietly.  I was always nice to Dobby when my parents weren't around.  They wouldn't approve of it, but i found it hard not to be nice to the poor house elf who did everything for us.  "Hey Dobby do you know where my father is?" i asked wanting to get this over with.  Dobby said father was in the dungeon.  So i thanked him and headed to the dungeon.

"Hey Father" i said nervously when i arrived at the dungeon.  I tried to mentally prepare myself for what i knew was going to happen, even if i knew the preparing never actually worked, i always did it in hopes that by some miracle it did work.  "Ah, Samantha you came" my dad said as i walked into the dungeon.  "Well, Samantha i think you know why i invited you here tonight." i nodded nervously as my dad continued "You my daughter have failed to meet your expectations, so for that you must be punished".

Then suddenly i heard my dad yell "CURCIO!" as i felt my body convulse in pain.  I knew this mental preparing wasn't going to work, i thought to myself as i tried to keep myself from screaming in pain.  It was always alot worse if i screamed, so i learned a while ago that the best way to get through this punishment was to keep my mouth shut.

My dad practiced the spell on me a few more times until i couldn't take it any longer and screamed out in pain.  "Ah! Father, stop!" i yelled out "Father, you know i have always been and always will be a Slytherin.  The hat may have chosen for me to be put in Gryffindor, but my allegiance will always belong to the green and silver Slytherin house."   "Okay then" my father responded, stopping with the curse "If what you say is true, then i will try and find a way for you to transfer to the Slytherin house."  Dang it! now i was really stuck.  I actually really liked Gryffindor and didn't want to be in Slytherin, but i couldn't tell my father that.  "um, no thanks father" i said thinking quickly "you see, i know how important it is for you to find out Harry Potter's secrets and weaknesses, so how about i pretend to be his friend so he can confide in me and then i'll tell you his secrets.  And the only way for me to be able to do that is if i remain in Gryffindor, because he would never befriend a Slytherin."  Oh Shit! what did i just say? did i seriously just say that i'd betray my friend?  I knew it was better if i kept my mouth shut!  And i can't take it back now, since i already said it.  All those thoughts were running through my head as my dad thought over my proposition.  Finally he agreed and let me leave.

I walked upstairs to my bedroom in order to get a few things.  I mean if i was home right now i might as well make the most of it.  A few minutes later, i was leaving my room when i got an idea.  I needed to tell someone about what had just happened, and the only person i could trust with this sort of thing was my brother.  So i got a quill and some parchment and wrote him a letter:


I really need to talk to you.  Meet me tomorrow at midnight up in the astronomy tower.  Don't tell anyone.


Then i called Elitep, tied the letter to his leg and told him to give it to Draco.  I would have delivered it to him myself since i was going back to Hogwarts, but i wasn't sure if Draco was still angry at me, so the safest way to go was through owl post.

I got back to school and went straight to bed since i was dead tired.  All i had left to do was hope Draco wasn't mad at me anymore and would come talk to me tomorrow night.


Hey so i posted again! sorry for the long wait.  I've actually had this chapter almost finished for quite a while, but i've gotten so much homework that i haven't had the time to actually finish it.  Oh well, it's done now.

and remember to:




thank you :)

p.s. i tried to make this chapter longer than the last one, but i'm not sure if i succeeded.

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