Chapter 3

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The next day passed by quickly.  I was in the common room talking with Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny when i looked at my watch and saw that it was already 10:30 at night.  So i said goodnight and went to bed.  I had to wake up a bit before midnight so i could talk with Draco and i had classes again tomorrow, so i had to wake up early and i wanted to be well rested.

Then suddenly "drrrriiing" went my alarm and i rolled over in my bed and quickly turned it off, still half asleep.  Then i rested a bit more.  A few minutes later i finally got out of bed and put on my bathrobe because i was to lazy to change into my robes and frankly, Draco had already seen me a million times in my pajamas so what did it matter?  Then i quietly whispered the Disillusionment Charm in order to make myself invisible.  When i finished with that i tiptoed out of the house dormitory and headed to the astronomy tower.

The castle was surprisingly empty, i had thought i would of met more teachers along the way but i guess not.  The only teacher i did meet was Professor Sprout, but it was easy avoiding her.  None the less, it took me a while to get to the astronomy tower.  The reason i was so late was because the stairs had decided to change while i was on them which caused me to get lost, and trust me it's very easy to get lost in this huge castle.

When i finally reached the tower it was 12:30.  Draco was already there and was very pissed off at me for making him miss a few extra minutes of sleep.  I got why he was angry, i really did, considering i love to sleep.  But it's not my fault the stairs changed and i got lost!  Nonetheless, i was very thankful Draco had agreed to meet me here and i told him so once he had calmed down a bit.  Then i told him everything that happened, starting with the letter i got from Father until i got to the huge mistake i made by opening my mouth.

It was a few minutes later when i finished telling him what happened and Draco didn't really get what my whole dilemma was, i had gotten through the Cruciatus Curse and was able to stay in Gryffindor.  So i told him the problem was that i didn't want to betray Harry and them.  "Why do you want to help them? They are gits and you can do better than them.  It's a lot easier if you simply turn them in to Father and the Dark Lord." Draco said once i told him i didn't want to betray Harry.  "Because" i replied "they are my friends, and friends don't betray each other".  After a few minutes of silence Draco finally said he'd help me "but not because i like them, they are still a bunch of twats. I'm only helping because you are my sister". "Yay!" i let out a very girly cheer, happy that Draco would help me get out of the deep pile of doodoo i had gotten myself in. "But what can i say?" i asked my brother quietly "I'm scared that Father may know Legilimency and know that i'm lying to him".  "Then the only solution is for you to learn Occlumency" Draco responded matter-of-factly.  "I know to people who can teach it to you, both Aunt Bella or Professor Snape know it" he continued.  "I'll ask Snape tomorrow after Potions, Aunt Bella scares me sometimes." I thanked him and left the astronomy tower.

The trip back to the Gryffindor tower was very quick and i didn't get lost this time!  So i was soon back in bed with a smile on my face, though still a little nervous.  Would Snape teach me Occlumency? Would he treat me ok? Or will he hate me for not following my family's tradition and being put in Gryffindor?

I fell into a restless sleep with all of these questions repeating themselves in my head.  But at least i slept, so hopefully i won't look like a zombie when i wake up tomorrow, or later on today actually.

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