Could he bring her back? Would she even want to go back? Would it even be worth bringing her back? Was it worth it when she was already in Konoha.

Naruto thought back to Sakura. What was his worst moment with her?

"Hey, don't worry about Teme, he's just grumpy, why don't we go get something to eat! You can pick the place, believe it!" Naruto yelled, a bright grin in Hope's of cheering her up.

Sakura's face grew dark as she punched Naruto into the fence nearby.

"Don't touch me! You're the worst! Trying to get with me as soon as my heart is Broken! No wonder everyone hates you!" Sakura shouted.

Naruto looked like a kicked puppy, those words hurt...

He didn't say anything but just started to walk off.

Yeah. That wasn't a good day. Her words really hurt. It was what made him discover Ino, and how kind she was.

OK, now his best moment with her?

He thought... long and hard....

"Hey Sakura!" Naruto said as he waved his hand frantically.

Sakura who was passing by Ichiraku's looked at him and gave a light scowl.

"I'm not going to join you Naruto, so stop asking," She gave a huff and stomped off.

Well at least she didn't insult him this time.

Was Sakura worth protecting? Especially when compared to his other friends? Perhaps not.

"I... I don't know..." He finally answered.

Hinata gave a sigh. She didn't want to fight Sakura either. She was never a fan of violence. But she had to, she was a Shinobi, a Ninja, a Hyuga. She had to learn to defend herself. She had to learn to fight.

She couldn't pull her punches out in the field, because her enemies wouldn't either. She couldn't show mercy out on the field, because her enemies wouldn't hesitate.

Sasuke was right. Sadly they lived in a world of Kill or be killed. An era of death and blood. In this time, it was you or them.

Sakura had chosen her side. Hinata was sure that if she heard the reason, she would understand. It doesn't make her actions any better, no. But she had a gut feeling, if she knew the reason, she would understand why Sakura did what she did.

"The answer is easy Dickless," Sai interrupted. Naruto turned to look at Sai, who gave his usual blank smile. "You kill her."


Looking back at the abandoned base, they watched as a series of explosions set off one after the other. They watched as a mushroom cloud of smoke and fire rose to the skies and lit up the dark forest and the night sky.

"Ah... so that's what the 5 minutes was for...." Yamato muttered as he watched the forest burn.

They watched the flames crackle and burn, they watched as some of the flames turned odd colours as it mixed with the left over chemicals in the lab.

"He's a damned Pyromaniac, believe it,"


Two Akatsuki members walked through the Forest. One had a dead Shinobi flung over his shoulder.

"Ugh! Hunting these fuckers is such a pain in the ass! Why are you so obsessed with money anyway!?" Hidan yelled. He had his scythe hanging over his shoulders.

"Shut up before I kill you," Kakuzu replied.

"Ha! As if you could! Not when I pray to Lord Jashin!" Hidan replied with a maniacal laughter.

Kakuzu ignored him and continued to walk. He wanted to cash the body in and get his money. It was just annoying to do so with the walking dumbass beside him.

"So where we going next?" Hidan asked.

"The land of Fire,"

"Whatever. As long as I get more sacrifices for Lord Jashin, I couldn't give less of a fuck." Hidan replied.

The two walked through the forests. The Land of Fire was their next destination to collect bounties. Kakuzu couldn't wait. The Land of Fire had the Shinobis with the highest bounties that weren't in the Top 50 of the Bingo Book.

Oh he could almost feel the Ryo as it jingles in the leather sack that they would hand him.

Let the Hunt begin


For those who know what's next, get ready cus I'm gonna have some fun with this.

For those who don't, sit back and enjoy the show!

Looks like Naruto has some thinking to do.

No Hinata isn't heartless, but she does think more like a Shinobi than she did in the show.

Sai is King rn ngl.

Hope you enjoyed. Cus I did.

Ja ne!

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