Berlin pt. 8

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We arrive at a huge bulding which turns out to be Vogue Germany. I remember watching their videos when I had the time.

Inside, a man hands me a pass which said "STAFF". I hang it around my neck and follow Damiano and Marta. 

We walk into a big hall where vic, Thomas and Ethan are already getting their makeup done by some stylists. 

"Hey! Coraline, Damiano, how is the dress?", Vic calls across the hall.

We walked over to her and showed her a picture. 

"THIS IS AMAZING!", she exclaimes.

"Yes it really is. It looks great on her too", Damiano says. 

"Wow, Damiano being actually pleased with something is very rare", Ethan says. 

"Ethan you look horrible, how much did you sleep?", Damiano asks. 

"Not that much. Cassey is going to need a lot of makeup today", he answers, pointing at the middle aged woman, who seems to be his stylist.

"He would have slept more, if he didn't text with Viola all night" I mutter to Damiano who chuckles astonished.

It's true, I got a voice message from Viola this morning where she told me.

I sit on a couch while all of the band members are getting styled for the interview. I pull the book Damiano chose for me out of my bag, put on my headphones and start reading.

Maybe it's the ibuprofen or just the fact that I didn't have a single coffee today but my eyes start to feel really heavy.


I look over at Coraline reading her book. She looks exhausted. I know I shouldn't care, but she doesn't look well. When I saw her in the dress today, I thought she got even skinnier. 

The girl who does my Make-up tells me to close my eyes so she can finish my makeup.

After 10 minutes it's the second time I look over to her and realise, that she is sleeping. Maybe the appointment at Mika's was a little too early. 

I'm done with getting styled so I stand up and call my personal assistant Paola.

"What do you need?", she asks me, pulling her ponytail tighter.

"Can you get a blanket? And make sure the catering has some vegetarian, gluten and lactose free stuff" I order. At least Coraline can't make up an excuse that way. 

Paola comes back with a big grey blanket saying, "There you go, I called the catering, they said it would be no problem."

I take the blanket and walk over to Coraline, who's still sleeping in a sitting position. 

I slowly take the book out of her hand and the headphones of her head. Then I put my hand on her neck and lift her into a horizontal position, putting her head on a pillow. 

She must be sleeping very deeply, because she doesn't even flinch a bit.

Behind me I hear my bandmates whispering about something, but I don't have the time to ask now

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Behind me I hear my bandmates whispering about something, but I don't have the time to ask now.

I'm the first to be interviewed, so I quickly put the blanket on top of her and walk over to the set. 


Spotlight. My body shaking because of the adrenaline. I worked my ass off for this. I got the lead in the play. 

Our new choreographer Christian is amazing. He only is 4 years older than us but joined the school as a teacher at the beginning of the year.  

I couldn't do some moves so he even gave me some extra lessons. He is very respectful but still expects a lot from us students. But honestly he's kind of  hot.

30 seconds. I stretch my feet and jump up and down a few times. I can feel a hand on my waist.

"You got this Cori", Christian says to me with an encouraging smile.

After the performance I run backstage. I did it. I fucking did it. 

"Gorgous Cori. Really. Flawless", Christian says after running up to me. 

"Thank you so much for this. Everything. The opportu-"

He interupts me with a kiss.


I wake up being confused. It takes a few minutes to realise where I am. I sit up looking around myself. I feel a little embarrassed because someone must have gotten me a blanket. 

In the distance I can hear Damiano taking the interview. 

"So, are you currently writing new songs?"

"I'm always writing songs. Whenever I get inspired, I just write it down and sometimes it turns out good, sometimes not."

"And the last question. What is a bad habit of you?"

"Everyone tells me I'm to perfectionistic. I can't stand it if something goes not the way I imagined it, especially as an artist."

After that Damiano walks out of the room and comes over.

"Look who's back", he says ironicly.

"This is your fault. The appointment at Mika's was way too early."

"Yes I thought so, after I saw you falling asleep with your book in your hands. Which I put into your bag by the way."

"Oh... thank you"

Thomas gets called on set.

"We got some food. What do you want?", Damiano asks me.

"Uhm... do you have a salad or something like that?", I ask.

"I'll tell Paola to get you something okay?"

"But not too much I'm not that hungry", I start, but Damiano is already walking away.

He and Paola come back with 2 plates. On mine is a huge portion of vegetables and rice. 

I start poking around and eat it in tiny bites. 

"So, are you excited about tomorrow?", I ask him. 

"Yes, very much. I want this to be good. I'm so nervous."

"My, god, calm down. You guys are great. And not to sound arrogant, but I know I can dance. I wont mess it up."

"Wow, where did you get that additude from?"

"I'm always like that."

"No you're not", Damiano laughs.

"We had acting class in my school too. It's important for dancing."

"That's what I love. You look so fragile when you are dancing. And singing", he says.

"Can you even imagine how much I regret using my own song for auditioning? I normally keep that stuff for myself."

"But why? I only heard that one thing of yours, but that was amazing."

"Thank you."

"Maneskin x Coraline-"

"Oh shut up", I laugh. 


Hey guys, 

I hope you like the new chapter.



il mare è dentro di lei // Damiano DavidWhere stories live. Discover now