~Chapter 15~

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I woke up in his room again. I quickly crawled and stumbled out onto the floor. Why was I in here? I have my own room. Why couldn't he have taken me there?

I just shook my head and walked out of his room and into mine to get dressed. I had work today. ugh.

I put two waffles in the toaster and ate them plain while I drove to work.

Work went as usual. I put some books up that were returned. Helped some people out. Normal stuff.

G - Where'd you go?

Me - Work

Oh yeah, Gajeel was still asleep when I left.

G - I'm coming.

Me - Why?

G - Cause I can.

And he was serious. Within a few minutes of his texts, he was walking through the front doors. I was sitting behind the front desk, waiting for anyone who wanted to check out a book. He came up to the desk and leaned on it.

"Is this all you do?" He asked.

"Basically," I shrugged. It wasn't really that bad for me. It gave me time along most of the time and I got some time to read.

"That's boring," He sighed, looking the place over.

"Ten why are you here?" I looked at while he was still facing the rest of the store.

He shrugged. "I don't know. You're here so I came here," He turned back towards me and started looking around behind me.

"Why did you follow me here though?"

"You ask a lot of questions, you know that, Shrimp?" He ruffled my hair as he started walking and I followed him, still on separate sides of the counter. "Just wanted to hangout some more. You never know when your mum will wake up and we won't get to see each other as much. Plus, I'm leaving 2 days from now for a few days for concert stuff. What else is back here?" He walked behind the counter where I was and started looking through the door the the office where Carla was. I quickly put my hands on the door and shut it before he could open it all the way.

"That's my boss's office," I looked at him with a scold. "You're not even supposed to be back here," I tried to push him back to the utside of the staff only area but he moved around me and walked past me.

"I won't mess anything up," He paused, "too badly." He chuckled. He looked through another door were there were more books.

"Why are these in here?" He looked over his shoulder at me.

"Now you're the one who is asking a lot of questions," I laughed. "And I don't know."

"Ugh," He shut the door.

"Um, excuse me?" I turned around and there was a female about my age, maybe a little younger. I started to make my way to the counter to check out the book for her but Gajeel beat me to it.

"Yes?" He asked in a fake voice that took the girl off guard. He did a kind of high pitched voice, his attempt of a female voice. I stopped walking and I busted out lauging but covered my mouth so it wasn't too loud. Gajeel was some how able to keep a straight face the whole time. How? I have no idea.

"Here," She laid a thick book and a library card in front of him.

"What's this about?" He took the book and started flipping through it. I finally stopped laughing and rushed to Gajeel's side and took the book from his hands.

"Sorry about him," I sent a glare over my shoulder at him where he was sitting in a rolly chair and laughing. "This is why I told you not to come back here?"

I Need You (a GajEvy fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now