~Chapter 11~

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The sun light that was shining through the curtains was what woke me up. Than I gained a new hate for sun light. I groaned as I rolled over into the empty space and faced the side of the room that didn't have a window. I tasted the horrible taste in my mouth and that made me gain another hate for my taste buds. Right as I was about to fall back asleep the door opened.

"Breakfast is ready when ever you are," Gajeel said before leaving the room. I blinked a few times to get used to the lighting. After a moment I noticed where I was. Why was I laying in Gajeel's bed? I barely remembered anything from that night. I rubbed my eyes to attempt to get rid of the tiredness. I groaned before rolling out of bed. I walked into the kitchen with the black blanket wrapped around my shoulders and dragging on the ground behind my feet. My head was hurting like hell.

"Good morning," he said as he sat a plate of scrambled eggs and toast on the table. "Looks like the hangover is getting to you," He chuckled as he poured me a glass of water. Just then I vaguely remembered getting the booze from the fridge yesterday.

"Shut up," I grumbled as I shoved the eggs in my mouth.

"Gihi," he sat down across from me with his own plate and glass.

"Mmmm~ these eggs are delicious," I complimented him as I finished the eggs.

"Thanks," he mumbled as he worked spreading jam on his toast. "There's more over there if you want some."

We continued to eat in silence for the rest of breakfast as I tried to get rid of the god damn head ache. I ended up getting another egg before the end of breakfast. Afterward I left him in the kitchen and went to my bed. It wasn't warm like Gajeel's bed was but it would work. I curled up in the blanket and closed my eyes to sleep but I couldn't. I just lied there with my faced burried in the blanket and it was getting difficult to breath. I removed the blanket and rolled over on my stomach to stare at the ceiling.

"Uuuuuugh!!" I groaned.

The door creaked open and Gajeel appeared again. "Here's some more water. It'll help with the taste in your mouth and the hangover." I nodded as he came over and sat the glass on the side table.

"Your phone is going off like crazy over there," He chuckled as he looked to the opposite side of the room where my phone was charging.

"Ugh," I groaned again as I waved my hand in the direction of the phone. "Too far."

"Finee," He groaned as he got up and walked over to my phone. "But only because you were stupid enough to get into my booze and get yourself drunk." He grinned as he handed me my phone.

"I'm not stupid," I pouted as I puffed my cheeks out and opened my phone to see I had multiple texts from Lu-chan.

"I know you aren't stupid Shrimp," He chuckled and ruffled my hair before leaving the room. I pouted again and fixed my hair before reading Lu-chan's texts

L - hey

L - are you awake

L - is it too early

L - no its not early

L - so y aren't you answering

L - are you asleep still


L - 0.0

L - hopefully not

L - if so then im plannin your funeral

L - there will be sparkles every where

L - and it wont be like a funeral at all

I Need You (a GajEvy fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin