~Chapter 6~

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I blinked my eyes a couple times to adjust to the bright light shining through the window. I was about to get up but a large arm stopped me. My eyes widened before I looked over to see Gajeel snoring. He must have come in there when I was sleeping and he was still drunk. I wriggled out of his arms and left the room without looking back. I didn't want to be in there when he woke up. That would just be awkward.

I went and checked on all of the guys and they were all still asleep. Then I went into Gajeel's kitchen and decided to make breakfast for everyone when they woke up. I looked through his fridge and cabinets before deciding on pancakes. I made plenty of pancakes to hopefully fulfill all of the boys' hunger. I set up plates on the kitchen table and put a plate full of plenty of pancakes in the center. Before going to wake up all of the boys I went ahead and ate my part along with a glass of apple juice.

I walked into the living room and woe Jellal up first. "Jellal wake up!" I said, well sort of yelled, as I shook his shoulder.

"Huh!? Erza is that you?" He said with his eyes still closed.

"No its Levy. Now get your ass up and go eat so you can go home," I said.

"No need to be so loud," He complained as he brought his hands to his head as if it would help his headache.

 left him there to get over his headache to move onto the next person: Bixlow.

"Wake up!! There is food!" I yelled while standing in the door way, not even bothering to go in the room and try to shake him awake.

"Oh my god can you just shut the fuck up!? Wait, did you say food?" He yelled at first but immediately sat up after.

"Yes, pancakes are waiting in the kitchen, first come first serve," He got up and rushed into the kitchen. 

I was about to go wake Natsu up but when I turned around Natsu was already rushing to the kitchen. "I heard there was food!" He yelled as he passed me. Okay, well all that leaves is Laxus, Gray, and Gajeel.

"Wake up! Breakfast will get cold!" I yelled while I was in between Gray's and Laxus's rooms. Gray got up and yelled at me to be quiet because he had a head ache.

"That's why you don't get drunk at a friend's house," I muttered but he didn't hear. Laxus didn't seem to hear me. I walked into his room and stood in front of the foot of the bed. 

"Are you gonna wake up?" I asked but he still didn't even twitch. "Wake up!" I yelled as I shook his shoulder.

"What...? Oh, yeah, yeah I'm getting up," He sighed before getting up and walking right past me.

"Good morning to you too," I muttered again. One more person left. I almost walked into his room but remembered this morning.

"Wake up," I pushed his shoulder which caused him to blink a few times.

"I don't wanna. My head hurts like hell," Grumbled as he rolled over and burried his face into his blankets.

"There's food in the kitchen and I'mm sure you have some pills somewhere in this house that you could take," I tried to convince him.

"Just 5 more minutes," He pleaded as he kept his face hidden in the blankets.

"Fine, sleep as long as you want but don't expect the guys to save you any pancakes," I said before giving up and leaving the room. The rest of the guys got up easy or were wide awake at the mentioning of food. I walked into the kitchen and found all of the guys digging into the pancakes on their plates that had syrup on them and they had filled their glasses with what ever they drank for breakfast. There was only one empty seat and barely any pancakes left. Natsu was about the grab the last remaining 3 pancakes even though he already had some left on his plate before he got interrupted.

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