~Chapter 8~

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I woke up around 11 the next day. Slowly, I crawled out of bed. It took a moment of untangling my legs from the blanket before I get could actually balance on the ground. I yawned and stretched my arms wide before rubbing my eyes in hopes of making me wake up more. It didn't. I walked out of my room and headed across the hallway to the bathroom. First, I splashed cold water on my face which did wake me up. Then, I brushed my hair and teeth before going back into my room and changing into a pair of shorts and a light blue tank top. When I walked into the kitchen, I found Lily circling his bowl with a tired look on his face. Once he saw me he stopped circling his owl and looked up at me.

"Alright, alright. I'm pretty sure there is some kiwi in the fridge," I yawned as I walked over to the fridge and pulled out two already cut up kiwis. I grabbed his bowl and filled it with cat food before setting the cut up pieces ontop.

"Here you go," I smiled at him as I set the bowl down right beside him and picking up his water bowl. I filled it with cold water before returning it onto the floor.

I started searching through the fridge and counters for something to make for myself. I found an open and half pry gallon of orange juice and an almost empty gallon of milk in the fridge. I found a box of Cheerios that was near its end. There was a box of oatmeal and another of poptarts. And some other things that weren't for breakfast. I ended up settling for a bowl of cereal. I made a mental note to go grocery shopping later today since I had nothing planned. He had literally almost nothing. I just finished off the Cheerios and milk.

I ate my cereal while scrolling through my phone and Lily constantly running against my leg and meowing. I gave myself another spoonful of the cereal before setting my phone down and looking over and the food bowl then the little rascal. The bowl was still filled except the kiwi was missing.

"What Lily?" I signed. "You still have food in your bowl. And I'm not giving you anymore kiwi right now. You should just live on kiwi. That why they call it cat food. For cats to eat." I looked down at the cat before he returned to his bowl and started eating it.

"If you eat too much kiwi you'll die," I sighed. Even though I was joking Lily stopped eating and turned his head to look at me. "I was kidding," I laughed as we both went back to eating our breakfast.

After I finished I put my spoon and bowl in the sink to wash later along with the other dishes that were already in there. Seriously, how did he even live if he had almost no food and always dirty dishes?

I pulled out my phone again and opened up snapchat. I took a quick picture of the inside of his fridge and put a caption: How do you even live of this much food??

I put my phone back in my pocket before heading back upstairs to get ready for whatever I decided to do today. I jogged upstairs and left Lily to lying in the kitchen by himself.

I undressed and pulled on a plain grey T shirt and a pair of shorts. I picked my phone out of my other pants before throwing them on my bed. Gajeel had already sent a snapchat back to me.

He was holding his phone and half of his face could be seen on the left side of the screen. In the background were other people that he performed with him on stage, well, basically his band. (this feels so cliche XD sorry [not sorry])

Almost right behind him a was a male with both black and white hair. Midnight was his name. Out of the two in the very back, one had blonde hair and the other had black. Sting and Rogue. One more person on the right side had brown hair. Cobra.

The caption only read: eh, don't usually eat at the house

I sighed then laughed before going back downstairs, carrying my shoes with me. I took a quick picture of the sink before typing down another caption.

I Need You (a GajEvy fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora