Chapter 31

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"Oh fuck! Shit! Shit!" says Jin, panting while carrying a sleeping Jimin on his back. He's scared and praying on hopes that the obsessed man would not find them where they are and that his husband is safe. He has to! He promised!

He stumbled back to the room where he and Namjoon was earlier before the ghost of previous Jimin showed coming from the dollhouse toy. He laid Jimin to the couch while he tries to catch his breath and stared at his brother.

"Don't worry, Jimin. Hyung and the rest will make sure to get you out of here safe and sound." whispers Jin as he caress his cheeks, "I'm sure Yoongi won't allow it too for you to be stuck with that Jungkook. After all, he is your husband. He loves you as much as he wants to deny that fact."

Jin was petrified when he felt one of Jimin's fingers moved upon hearing the name of Yoongi. Of course, he would. Jin knows that the previous Jimin and Yoongi loved each other same with the present, the only difference now is they're both afraid to admit and show it with one another without looking needy of attention.

"I wonder where your husband is. Yoongi is with us when we first came here but Taehyung took him away and bring him god knows where, and Hoseok? I don't know with that scaredy cat. He must have hid somewhere. You know him, right?" Jin continues to talk as he stared at the moon outside the mansion. He sighed. Being inside feels long.

He was taken aback when he noticed the sound of the grandfather clock across the room getting a little louder from the usual he could remember it should be, and when the clock strikes 12, it created a loud, piercing and knowing noise that Jin had to cover both of his ears and shut his eyes close like it will magically take the piercing feeling away but it didn't.

When the noise stopped, much to Jin's liking, he fell flat on the floor in shock when he looked back Jimin and saw his eyes widen open staring back at him.

"J-Jimin!" says Jin, gleefully and welcomed the other with a bone crushing hug but the latter is confused.

When the older didn't get any reaction from the younger, he released him from his hug and carefully inspected him.


". . ."

"Jimin? Jimin!" he slighty shrugged his shoulders to wake him up, just incase his brother is still in sleep land.


Jin's mouth hangs open when he heard how the other responded. It was like he is asking him who Jimin is when in fact, it was him.

"Yes! Jimin! Wait, are you pranking me?"

"Prank? What prank? And who are you? Where am I?. . . Who am I?" asks Jimin, but the last part is more to himself.

Boy, he was so confused. He just woke up to a unfamiliar place with a stranger whom he doesn't know that kept on saying the name Jimin to him. Wait, is he Jimin whom the other is referring to? But why he can't remember anything? His memories at the moment is like a blank canvas that is just about to receive information of anything and everything the world has to offer today.

Jin was speechless. He wasn't prepared to any of this. How come something like this happend to his younger brother?

He was about to call him by his name again when the door flung open, revealing a mad Jungkook that immediately calmed down and smiled like a maniac upon seeing Jimin.

"My love!" says Jungkook, ignoring Jin and kneeling infront of Jimin as he carefully lift his hand and rubbed his cheek against it.

"Who?" asks Jimin, getting more confused around everyone.

"Get your hands off of my brother!" growled Jin, swatting away Jungkook's hands and shields Jimin behind him.

Jungkook looked at Jin with a poker expression and sighed.

"You must be with that man I saw earlier." says Jungkook, sparing Jimin a glance before continuing, "As much as I want to eat your souls right now, it can wait. Jimin and I needs to prepare for our wedding that will happen in an hour or two. Depending on how excited you guys are as you will be our guests!"

"Wedding? Guests? Just how screwed are you? My brother is not going to participate into any of this fuckery of yours! He is already marr--?!" says Jin whose lips magically got sealed.

"W-What did you. .?"

"Sshh, my love." says Jungkook and without a doubt, kissed Jimin's lips.

Jin was petrified of the action but as much as he wants to stop what Jungkook is doing, he can't. Apart from his lips are sealed, a mysterious, invincible, rope-like force is stopping him from moving any of his desired body parts that he wants.

As the kiss gets more intense, Jin noticed how Jimin's movements turn to a clingy one too, and lo, when their lips parted, he knew the way Jimin is now has something to do with the kiss Jungkook had initiated.

"Shall we?" asks Jungkook to Jimin who lovingly stares at him with eyes filled with intoxicated desire.

"Yes, darling."

Jungkook smiled as he held Jimin's hand in his and in a snapped, Jin found himself beside Namjoon who is infront of a disappointed and mad Taehyung.

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