Chapter 25

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It had been three months since Jimin ran away from home and to say that he was happy that he did was understatement. Now he truly understands what it feels to be free and be loved truly. Yes, he fell in love with the toy maker named Yoongi. Who wouldn't? Aside from his looks, he is a genuine person and it's not hard to fall in love with him when he do things that make his heart aches in happiness.

They had already talked a lot things and to be honest, he was happy that Yoongi didn't judge him or his family. Infact, Yoongi was happy that Jimin was comfortable on telling him those things that are hard to tell to other people that is why he can't help not to care hard enough for Jimin as much as he would to others that made him realize he is already also falling for the younger.

"Yoongi hyung?"

"Hmm?" hums Yoongi as he caress the younger's hair and kissing his forehead.

"It's so pretty. How did you manage to buy something like this? It's not like you can't but I wonder how tired you are at work just for you have enough money to buy a ring like this." says Jimin staring at the ring Yoongi bought for him as they both lay on the bed after their love making. It wasn't like what Jungkook and him did or what Iseul want them to do. It was pure love and adoration.

"It doesn't matter how tired I got at least I get to see your pretty smile. I wouldn't really get tired of it. You deserve to be happy, Jimin."

"But hyung, even without this, I'm happy just to be with you. I didn't know that it'll be possible for me to find love after everything that happened."

"Even me. I can't believe you'll fall inlove to someone like me. I'm not rich like the other man who tried to court you. I don't have a family. I'm an orphan trying to make ends meet but here you are, loving me with what I am and what I can offer."

"Because I don't need material things, hyung. I need someone who would love me as I am and same to you. I'm glad I met you."

"I can't wait 'til we tomorrow and start a new life with you somewhere we can be like the normal married couples. I love you, Jimin."

"I love you too, Yoongi hyung."

But just like before, Jimin's happiness won't last long. The next day when Yoongi is at work and he is busy packing their stuff that they will bring with them when they leave the town later that night, a knock was heard from the door.

Jimin thought it was Yoongi because none of the neighbors knew he exists in there because he try to hid himself to anyone other than Yoongi so that no one can find him if incase his parents tried looking for him. He happily walked his way to the door while holding a bag with his dollhouse that Yoongi made just for him to play when he gets bored being alone in the house. Ironically, it has a family of four bunnies that kind of represents him and his family but Yoongi explained that it will be them soon.

He stood in horror when he saw Jungkook standing infront of him with an unexplainable emotion written on his eyes and two men behind his back. He tried to close the door but the older was quick enough to stop what the younger is trying to do.

"No! Put me down! No!" yelled Jimin as he tried to get off Jungkook who is basically holding him like a bag of rice on his shoulders.

Jungkook heard nothing and brought him with him. Leaving the house empty.

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