Chapter 20: Hello Darkness My Old Friend

Start from the beginning

Dan grinned. "Since apparently, I am not back to being Detective Douche yet, you can catch a ride with me if you like."

Lucifer rolled his eyes. "I don't like -- I have my vehicle you know."

Dan smugly informed him, "The location is out on a farm and since it rained last night your pampered wheels will get rather mud-splattered but as long as you don't mind feel free to take yours."

Lucifer stopped cold looking rather annoyed. "You might have bothered to mention that in the first place. Fine, I'll go with you I hope you don't drive like an insomniatic slug."

Dan chuckled. "I'm sure I won't disappoint you. Let's go."

Lucifer cursed under his breath.

True to his word Dan drove with lots of speed over the muddy ruts and potholes jarring Lucifer's teeth and rattling his nerves. The devil fantasized about enforcing hellfire on Chloe's ex and watching him scream and writhe in agony.

Dan was surprised by the little smile playing on Lucifer's lips, he was sure he would annoy him but instead, he seemed to enjoy the wild bumpy mud splattered ride. He had to admit the guy didn't rattle easily.

They arrived at the crime scene. She paled when Lucifer got out of the car and headed towards Chloe. She handed the other officer she was standing next to something and then met him halfway. "What are you doing here?"

"Helping. You can't force me to stay safe without tying me up. Although..." he mused, "restraints in a good way would be fun."

Chloe sighed sadness and worry in her eyes. She took his arm and led him further away.

"Yes?" He looked at her frowning.

"There is a reason I didn't call you for this case, I need you to respect that and go back home," she spoke firmly as if addressing a misbehaving child.

A stubborn glint entered Lucifer's eyes and he lifted his chin defiantly. "I thought we had worked this out, Detective. I am no more at risk than you are."

Chloe shut her eyes for a moment garnering some patience. "Trust me Lucifer, I don't need you on this case."

He looked suspicious. "Do you suspect this involves my mum?"

"No, not at all, now trust me," and please just go home. I don't need your help," Chloe decided.

"I can't, Daniel drove me here."

"Fine, I'll drive you home and then come back," Chloe decided.

"Wrong Detective, you can't just force me to leave. You are going to have to trust me. I can handle whatever this is the same way you can."

Chloe shook her head. "Not in this case."

"Detective Decker, we put out the APB on the stepfather." One of the officers yelled from the barn.

Lucifer looked confused. "Are you going to fill me in?"

She stared at him biting her lip. "A mother came home to find her 12-year-old daughter dead in the barn. She'd been raped. The mother had been estranged from the girl's stepfather, she suspects he did it as a form of revenge."

"Oh." A chill washed over him freezing the blood in his veins. He knew Chloe was speaking, but he couldn't hear her until she touched his arm. "Lucifer, are you okay?"

"I'm fine Detective, I can handle this...I promise," his voice was tight and controlled.

"I know, but you don't need to." She kept her hand lightly on his arm. "It's okay to sit this one out -- it strikes a little too close to home."

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