Ch. 7: Why do you need to know?

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     "Did he just take down the guild master and his shadows?!"

     "Who is that man? I wonder if he'll let me borrow the lizard on his back..."

     "No way! A live Dragon infant! I must have it for my research!"

     "Make way! He's heading straight towards the town and I wish to greet him first!"

     He was in no hurry to get there, but the people were. They almost started running towards him. At least, until they saw the bodies start floating.

     "It's a demon! Everybody run for your lives!"

     "Someone call the guild master!"

     "I knew it was to good to be true."

     "Everyone back inside!"

     Just as quickly as they came, they were gone. By the time he had reached the gates, no one could be seen or heard.

"That's to be expected," he sighed, "I just needed the location of the guild. Is that so hard to ask?" He moved his arm and started scratching Mortem behind his ear like frills. It wasn't hard to find the guild. The biggest building in the town was a red and gray blend. It was inhabited by several people at the time, waiting to attack the one who had harmed the guild master. They were taken care of quickly, not even landing a scratch on him as he walked amongst their fallen bodies.

Once inside the fortress, he took a glance around and saw many tables with various equipment on top of them. A few maps littered another. There was also a staircase leading up and down.

     "Where should we go first Mortem?" He asked, letting the small dragonling climb down his back. It took one glance at the large room and half jumped half flew all over the tables. "Down it is. Wonder what it's for... Come Mortem."


     The basement was dark and cold. A small flame flew in front of the pair, lighting up a small portion of the room. There were a few cells but he didn't think that would hold them. He began to weave the earth around the floating bodies, before constructing chains to wrap around their arms and legs. He had removed the armor on all of them, sparing a few glances at the guild master. Comparing himself to all of them, he figured the guild master was about 6'1, with a stocky build meant for hand to hand combat. The mage was a measly 4'11 with the Kobold being slightly higher at 5'5. The most horrifying part was the fact that the guild master wore nothing but a single pair of trousers under his armor.

"Mortem look away!" He said, blushing as he spun more earth around the guild masters waist. He wasn't trying to be a pervert in this life, despite having more than enough power to do so. He was just getting done when he heard a noise. Looking up, he realized that he was much shorter than he realized. He was no longer floating and had to look up at the hulking figure in front of him.

     "Wha-what's going on here?! Damn you!" He yelled. Spit flew from his mouth as he yelled. He checked their status one more time and was relieved to see the abyssal blight effect still active. The guild master was a looker, with medium length hair just past his ears. It was a nice black color too. Blue eyes sparkling like fresh spring water gave him a look that was freezing cold. He tried the restraints, grunting heavily as he nearly dislocated his own shoulder.

     "I mean, if you insist on hurting yourself go right ahead. Let me set the mood for you." He quit controlling the restraints after making sure they were secure. Small flames erupted around the room in a perfect circle around them, illuminating the dungeon.

     "When did we... oh you made a grave mistake bringing us back! Any second now my boys will get you!" He roared.

     "Damn, he would be so much prettier if he just shut up." He thought, but stopped after he heard a voice to his right pick up,

"Sir, sorry to interrupt," the Kobold squeaked out, "but there is no one else left except the few in medical."


As the Kobold had not passed out when he was restrained, he had seen everything happen. A sputtering to Lithums left told him that the mage was awake. The mage was a rather unique case as he was a sort of ugly balding bird. Almost like a reverse harpy. He had droopy skin and wicked claws for hands. His annoyingly high pitched screams started a few seconds after waking up.

     "Someone kill me now. System, what is the mages race?"

[Race: Birdman]

He looked at the notification in annoyance. "Can you be just a little more specific?"

[Race: Alan]
[A male harpy with more brute strength and a less magical voice than normal harpies]
[While Alan's are rare, the few with magic of any kind are even rarer]

"Thank you, that was very helpful." He smiled, turning back towards the guild master.

"Let me go and I may let you live."

     "Bold statement from the man that got his ass handed to him a few minutes ago." He floated up a bit to be at eye level with him, carefully keeping a hand on his robes to keep them from lifting up. "I'll let you go on one condition."

     He was close, his free hand caressing the man's face. He watched him turn a little red, obviously not expecting to be touched so lightly. The man cleared his throat, before engaging with him. "What is that condition? I will not let you become Guild Master immediately, or destroy this town."

     "Then your in luck that I do not want to do either. Let me use all guild facilities without being a member. That is my one condition."

     He watched him breathe a sigh of relief. It's almost as if he knew he couldn't refuse him if he decided to make a riskier demand.

     "It is done, may I ask why you don't want to be a member?"

     "I do not like being associated with any one place for too long. If I'm part of a guild I would be expected to stay, would I not? Guilds are usually formed by the government and therefore have some valuable commodities that the general public can't use."

     "That makes sense, but why this guild? And what facilities do you need to use?"

     "Must I tell you everything?"

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