Ch. 5: Living Or Dead, Whats The Difference

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     "Giggle all you want now Mo, we won't be able to once we reach the first town." He said as he heard the dragonlings laughs.

While Mortem slept, he decided to fashion a few clothes for the both of them. Once his ability unlocked he would need something to wear. He also took the time to learn his new abilities. Now with a mere thought, he could send plumes of fire up into the sky and watch the earth part before him. It would take time, but eventually he would be able to control more than one at a time.

He looked down at the dragonling, watching him prance around, playing in the grass, chasing the various flying insects. He forgot how much energy kids had, almost made him want coffee.

"No, stop thinking about that. There is no coffee anymore." He mentally sighed at his own anguish, to not taste the sweet substance was hell to him. Maybe this was hell...

"Lithum Lithum, watch what Mortem do!"

He heard the dragons chirps for attention and turned his head to see him perched on a rock. After confirming that the old god was watching, he jumped off and spread his wings. He couldn't fly, but it was good for him to learn how to glide.

"Good job Mo! Eventually, you'll get big enough to fly!" A little encouragement never did anyone harm, the dragonling gained the starstruck status and pranced around even more, finding more trees and rocks to climb up and glide down.

"Will I fly like Lithum?" The dragonling asked after he had gone silent. To be honest, he had entirely forgotten he had wings as he looked back at the bird like appendages. He flapped them once, noting how they felt before he jumped up, flapping them up and down. He couldn't feel the ground and was at eye level with the tree tops. The view was incredible. So incredible in fact-

-that he forgot to flap his wings.

Screaming and falling came soon after, like one of the cartoons he used to watch. He fell and landed on his butt. He could already tell his ass would be sore for a few hours.

As he got up, he spotted the dragonling, laughing again. "Okay, maybe not exactly like me." He told him after he quieted down. "Let's keep moving."

"I wonder." He thought, looking back at his wings. "I could give it a try."

He thought about a wind current blowing right beneath him, making him rise off the ground. It worked as he no longer felt the ground on his feet, but a breeze down below was telling him that it wasn't the best option for travel. He looked over at Mortem, thank goodness he hadn't seen as he lowered back down. He was chirping, gliding after bugs and various other critters.

A thought occurred to him, something he could test. It needed a test subject however that wasn't afraid of heights.

"Hey Mortem, get over here."

The chirps stopped and he looked at him, instantly running to him with a worried status.

"What wrong Lithum? More bad people?"

"No no, stick out your wings for me please."

The worries status was replaced by a confused one. He heard a "Like this?" and watched the scaly baby unfurl his wings. The scales were black and glittered, while the webbing was a pale yellow. He thought of a wind current rising from underneath Mortem, lifting him up. It worked as the confused status was replaced with more of the starstruck. Seemed like his only three moods were confused, worried and starstruck. When he was eye level with him, he thought of the wind current turning into a stream of air. He imagined it looping around him with air still pushing from underneath and the dragonling was soon gliding in the stream.

"Thissss isssss funnnnnn!" Was the only sound he heard as he walked, keeping the stream constant. He could train his own powers while helping the dragonling learn his. If he learned how to control the elements while moving, he could get to learning how to control more at a time. Maybe he could do this with his other abilities.

"Lithum Lithum, I see something!"

He looked up, not noticing how long his thoughts had dragged on. They were no longer in the forest path, but now on a dirt road leading towards a shiny blob in the distance. It glared at him, but he could tell it was a town. It was rather big compared to what he was expecting. As they approached, he could see another, smaller blob heading towards them. It was getting bigger by the second.

"Mo, stay on my back." He said as he thought of the little creature being transported to his back. He felt his claws and heard a surprised chirp, probably from being teleported. He couldn't let him be taken.

He saw a small flash of silver color and thought of stopping time. He would have to prepare for a fight if he was right.

[On My Own Time- Skill activated]

     The status window popped up and he saw the boundaries this time, they radiated outwards from his current position. Time around him slowed to a halt, good thing too as the tranquilizer dart was inches from hitting its mark. It was just about to hit his face when time had stopped. These people had deadly accuracy and even deadlier weapons by the looks of it. The dart was big, almost as big as a pen. A red liquid was present inside it and it fell to the ground the moment he touched it.

     "Mortem, are you there?"

     He never figured out if his skill froze all time except him in place, or if people inside his boundary could still move. He was relieved to see it was the latter as the dragonling moved to his shoulder, a questioning sound emanating from his throat.

     "Good, take a look at this." He motioned towards the dart. He crouched down and the dragonling hopped off his back. It approached the still dart, sniffing at it before stepping on it. The glass cracked and he whimpered before running back to him.

"Hmm, wonder what this is." He said, watching the liquid dribble through the cracks in the glass. He took a sniff and immediately gagged, backing up and imagined the earth swallowing it whole.

"Oh that was dissenting, disturbing even. How do they even get that stuff in there without dying?!"

After breathing a little more, getting that god awful smell out of his space and what not, he tried looking at the people that had shot the dart, noticing more darts in the air. They were still a bit far, but he could see the shiny crests on their chests uniting them with the guild. Didn't remember learning that either. They wore grays and reds, blending them in with sunsets. The colors meant to symbolize that even though the day ends now, their will still be another tomorrow, like Eternia.

     Still didn't explain why they where trying to kill him.

     "Hey Mo, I'm going to do something and I need you to stay on my back, no matter what happens, no matter what you feel, you MUST stay on my back, okay?"

     The dragonling peeked out from behind his back to look at him.

     "What will Lithum do?"

     "Ever wanna be a ghost?"

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