Ch. 3: My First Follower, I think-

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Millions upon millions of blue lights appeared around him. It slowly followed his movements as he jumped, getting closer and closer to him.

[Please stand still]

He saw the notification for a split second before the blue lights blurred into lines and then into numbers. This went on until there were just strings of code floating towards him.

     "System, what's happening?"

[Preparing for Data Transfer. The code around you will be absorbed into your body. As there is too much information to tell you about, you will automatically know everything about this world when interacting or observing it]

     "Thanks I guess, makes me feel so much better."

     He could tell the System didn't get sarcasm, seeing the next notification pop up.

[You are welcome, Jonas Fletcher]

     The code was now inches away from making contact. He closed his eyes expecting to feel the stabbing pain that usually follows when something pierces the body. However, he felt merely a cold chill as it entered.

     "Forgot I was a spirit for a second."

     A ding notified him when the transfer was complete, as well as another window.

[Data Transfer Complete]
[All information about this world has been sent to your memory. A small window will appear when interacting with or observing something new to you]

     "Yay, at least I don't have to worry about getting anything wrong."

     A loud rustling sound was coming from behind him. Turning around, he saw three figures. Two of them appeared to be chasing the other and they seemed to be older, no child could grow to the size they were. The third was smaller and much faster than the two chasing.

     "Don't let him get away!" One of them yelled. They appeared to be hunting the smaller figure, which was heading straight towards his statue. As they got closer, he could tell they were all male, with the two chasing seemingly more human than the creature they were chasing.

[Humans that capture other creatures and sell them on the black market. They are the only race that has been reported to show this behavior]

     The small notification appeared as he looked at them, meaning if he looked at the creature...

[A dragon hatchling. Newly hatched dragons are a rare sight as they usually stay within the nest until they learn how to shift. In this state, the scales are usually green and brown to help blend in with the environment. Very rarely will they have black scales]

     The dragonling was almost at the statue, taking notice of it and running behind it. He watched as the poachers stopped right before his statue, circling it as they went. One was tall and would look rather handsome if he didn't have a scar across his face. The other one was shorter, but just as big as the other. They both looked similar, almost like twins.

     He walked closer to where the dragonling was hiding, right between his wings. It was a male upon closer inspection and only an infant like the description said. It had patches over its skin which were covered in small black scales and short stubby wings poked out from its back. A small tail had grown out of its back and it was covered in what appeared to be dirty bandages. He thought for a second on how to help the poor creature when a thought occurred to him.

     "System, how do I use my skills?"

[You can say the name of the skill or imagine it's name, unless it requires a specific ritual to start it. Some skills will require certain objects to be activated, you will have to obtain and have possession of those objects to activate the skill]

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