Going inside

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"Eleanor that language was disgraceful now lets go in as were already late" "NO WAY, Im not going in there wearing a diaper" "Too bad Eleanor we left the clothes you were wearing at the shop" Eleanor was furious and got out of the car and tryed to pull down her skirt so the diaper wouldn't show so she unrolled it but you could still see the bottom of the large sagging diaper from underneath the skirt. Her mum picked up her now awake baby sister and placed her down on the floor and they all walked towards the door and her dad knocked on the door. They waited for a second but was then greeted by Eleanors auntie who was holding Els little younger cousin in her arms. They all spoke for a while outside and then her auntie walked towards Eleanor and her sister and she kneeled down infront of her sister and said "Aww look at these 2 little beauty's she then stood up and walked back inside with the family to the living room which was full with family including, Her uncle a few of her young 3-6 year old cousins. Her mum and dad sat down on the couch filling up the last seats which then her auntie said "Dont worry Eleanor you can come sit down on this since the couch is full" She then brought out her cousins chair

Eleanor sat down in the chair and then her mum whispered over to her quietly "Don't worry baby if you make a little tinkle i'm your diaper mummy will change you" Eleanor stared back too see her mum telling her auntie and her dad to go into the kit...

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Eleanor sat down in the chair and then her mum whispered over to her quietly "Don't worry baby if you make a little tinkle i'm your diaper mummy will change you" Eleanor stared back too see her mum telling her auntie and her dad to go into the kitchen. The 3 went into the kitchen.and her parents started telling her Auntie about the diaper and she giggled "I have the perfect idea" She then grabbed her keys from the draw and started locking all the bathrooms and they all went back into the room for dinner and her auntie said "Ele since your under 15 you have to sit on the kids table with your cousins "She started chatting back saying how she was an adult but her auntie didn't want to break the rules so they all heading into the kitchen seeing the large wooden adult table and next to that was a short pink kids table.
Eleanor sat down and her mum brought over her food and said "Do you want me to cut it up for you darling" She didn't speak back and was handed a plastic pink set of utensils and said "What am i suppose to do with these" Her auntie replied saying "No metal cutlery as it's dangerous for kids" she started cutting up her food with the plastic cutlery and by the time she was finished she needed to go to the toilet and she said "I'll be back in a second i'm just using the bathroom" She headed upstairs to the bathroom and tried opening the lock to see it was locked so she went back down and said "The bathrooms locked" Her auntie then said back "Baby girls arnt allowed to the toilet without their mummy or daddy" She shouted back "I DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR STUPID RULES" Her mums grabbed the key and stood up and said "if your in such a hurry i'll get it for you" She was confused and then sat back down at the kids table and a few minutes later her mum came back in holding a medium sized potty for her and said "You can't be trusted with the big toilet so if your really in a rush go in here" so she placed it down in the centre of the room and then took eleanor's hand and pulled her towards it she grabbed the waistband of her skirt and her diaper and pulled down her daughters skirt revealing her bum and vagima to all her relatives her mum then pushed her down so she landed on the potty she then grabbed the clipped on belt and strapped eleanor on to the potty and said "Go whenever you need to darling" She then started to cry because of how embarrassed she was" Her mum then brought back some baby wipes and a diaper from the car and then said "we'll then Eleanor if you can't go to the toilet on your own i'll have to help you" She was still upset and cleared up he tears to see her mum kneeling behind her squeezing down on her stomach and all eleanor could see was the rest of the kids all watching their 14 year old cousin sat down on a potty. Her mum then starting squeezing down on her her stomach and she started to feel uncomfortable and her mum said "It's ok baby you can just go in your diaper when you need to" Her mum then wrapped her daughter back up in a diaper and put her back on her disney chair Eleanor didnt know if she could hold it anymore and started wriggling around in her chair and her mum noticed and kneeled down behind and then grabbed her and put her down knees and started squeezing her stomach again saying "Poo for mummy dear come on come on make a mess in your diaper for mummy and daddy" Eleanor couldn't hold it anymore and let out a large load of poo into her diaper and her mum smiled "Good girl for mummy and daddy" Eleanor i don't know if you forgot but you were rude to us earlier so this is your punishment. She picked Eleanor up by the waist and put her down in her cousins play pen causing the messy diaper to smush all over her bum and vagima and she just started to cry again.

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