Part 5 - Only the Start

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Sound effect: Click!

Juliuz: Here we are. (Juliuz unlocks a door to an apartment.)

Juliuz: Welcome home! (Juliuz opens the door to his apartment, which has plenty of room for Echo and Rosie.)

Echo: Juliuz, this is nice! Thanks for letting us stay.

Juliuz: Yeah, it's no problem. (They walk in.)

Emerald: Juliuz! (Juliuz turns.)

Juliuz: Emerald! How was your day?

Emerald: It was fine! It was weird being here by myself, but- (Emerald, his little sister, walks in.)

Emerald: Juliuz? Why do you look so weird? You look like- (Emerald's confused.)

Emerald: An octoling! AAAHHHHH! You're an octoling, and they're-

Juliuz: Whoa, whoa, whoa, Emerald. It's okay. It's still me, and these two are friends. (Emerald is really startled, but Juliuz tries to calm her down.)

Emerald: But- but- but- huh? You're not- you're not- (She's confused.)

Juliuz: Here, Emerald, look. I've still got one blue eye and one yellow eye, see? And besides looking like an octoling, this is still my face, right? And I'm still the same height, still have the same personality, everything.

Emerald: Well, yeah, but...

Juliuz: So, I'm still me, right? (He kneels down in front of her.)

Emerald: ... (She still looks hesitant.)

Juliuz: Hey, I know I look really different, maybe a little scary to you. I've been telling you that octolings aren't nice people for so long, I don't blame you for being hesitant. But I was wrong about all of that. And even though I look different, I still love you, and I'm still Juliuz. (He smiles at her.)

Juliuz: I told you last night that being an agent can make some crazy things happen, right?

Emerald: Uh, uh-huh.

Juliuz: Well, this is one of those crazy things that happened. But I'm okay, Emerald. I'm still me. Okay?

Emerald: O-okay. (They talk.)

Juliuz: And look! I've STILL got my good looks! heh heh heh (He grins and goofily makes a pose like he's on a magazine cover.)

Emerald: Oh yeah. You're definitely my brother. (She smirks.)

Emerald: I don't exactly get this all, but I'll trust you. If YOU'RE able to like some octolings, then I'm sure I can be friends, too!

Juliuz: So... we're good? You're good?

Emerald: Yeah. Most octolings seem like us, anyway. They just look a little different than us. (They talk.)

Juliuz: Good. Anyway, I'd like you to meet Echo and her little sister, Rosie. Echo, Rosie, this is my little sister, Emerald.

Echo: Hi! It's nice to meet you!

Emerald: Oh, hi! (Echo greets Emerald. Emerald steps a little closer, still slightly cautious. Rosie hides behind Echo's leg.)

Echo: Rosie? Why don't you go say hello? (Echo puts her hand on the back of Rosie's head. She's still sort of hiding behind Echo.)

Rosie: H-hello.

Emerald: Hey. (Rosie shyly says hi to Emerald.)

Rosie: I- I like your shirt!

Emerald: You- you do? T-thanks! (Rosie gets a little less shy and Emerald looks more comfortable.)

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