⟵Izuku's Date⟶

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Y/n settles into her new life fairly quickly. It helps that her new pack was filled with extremely nice and comforting people. They were patient with her and cared about how she felt. It was more than she was used to but she deeply appreciated it. Her alphas have been... extremely dotting since their talk and if she's being honest, she loves the attention. She's scented daily and is quickly included in daily kisses. It's the most content she's been in her entire life.

Y/n wakes up to feel plump lips against her neck and smiles. "Morning, Zuku."

Izuku grins and laughs, kissing her neck once more before facing her. "Took you long enough."

Y/n snorts. "I was up. I just wanted some attention."

"Mhm, sure," he smiles. "Come on. Kacchan made breakfast and afterward, I'm taking you out."

She groans as he drags her out of her nest. "Ugh. Why? Today's my day off."

"Exactly," he pulls her into a bridal carry. "Today's the only day I'll be able to take you out. We won't have the same day off for another 2 weeks and I can't wait that long."

Y/n snorts but relents. "Fair enough."

Breakfast is as eventful as it always is with a large pack. Y/n endures Katsuki's teasing of their date as Izuku watches in amusement. After breakfast, they get ready and Izuku guides her out of the house.

"So," Y/n settles into her seat as they drive through the city. "What are your plans for me today?"

Izuku shrugs, taking her hand in his. "A few places. You'll see."

As they drive to their destination, Y/n gets to know Izuku. It's easy figuring the alpha out when he's such an open person. She learns about his past, filling in some things she hadn't already known about his life. Y/n's omega feels safe around Izuku. When she speaks, his full attention is on her even while he drives. He makes sure she's comfortable as they head inside the aquarium and Izuku is extremely touchy. She had already figured that as much but it's so much more obvious when the alpha is comfortable and happy.

"Have you ever been here before?" he asks, wrapping his arms around her waist.

Y/n shakes her head and glances up into the water. "I've never really wanted to."

"Really?" he settles his head onto her shoulder. "I love coming here. It's beautiful to watch these creatures exist in their own place."

"Eh," she shrugs. "They were kind of kidnapped from their homes. They don't really have much choice but to exist."

Izuku whines. "You don't have to say it like that."

Y/n laughs as he shuffles them side to side. "It's the truth though- Oh, my god. What kind of fish is that?"

She points to a fish and Izuku follows her gaze before breaking out into a smile. "That is a white spotted bamboo shark."

"That's a shark?" She shudders. "It looks weird. It has a beard."

He snorts. "Yeah, a bit. I think every fish has a unique look to it. Especially deep water creatures."

"What do you know about deep water creatures?" she asks, tilting her head back to look at him.

Y/n watches in amusement as Izuku shoots out facts and names of different fish. His eyes practically shine with the grin on his face as he talks. Y/n finds it endearing that he's passionate about everything he learns.

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