Be my empress (1)

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"Uh… I think it's called transmigration?" Bai Shuyin wondered aloud. "You know, traveling between different worlds, jumping into other universes here and there, then there are quests and side missions you have completed, do you get m— wait, what did you just say?" 


Bai Shuyin frowned, arching an eyebrow. "Yes, I'm sure you said—"

"It must be the wind," Wu Jiangfeng cut in, urgently. 

"No, I heard you speaking," Bai Shuyin persisted, hands still up in the air. She was sure of it, she saw his lips moving, mouthing something.

Despite that, the snow-haired girl was speechless herself. What the hell was she thinking? Transmigration? Who in the world would believe that kind of nonsense unless experiencing it on their own, like her? 

"Transmigration?" She heard the prince ask. "You meant to say reincarnation?" 

She wanted to bury herself deep inside the ground, maybe she should have just disappeared into the red mountain and never appeared anymore. However, Bai Shuyin cocked her head to the side, this Southern Prince seemed to have taken interest in this. 

He had lowered his dagger, flipping them back inside his robes. His stance was relaxed and he no longer held the domineering aura. Bai Shuyin found herself exhaling, she wasn't sure how long she had been holding her breath. 

"Reincarnation…" The redhead shifted side to side. For a second, Bai Shuyin could've sworn there was a calculative glimmer in his violet eyes before he started speaking again. "I have heard of it." 

"Then… What are your thoughts on reincarnation, Young Master Wu?" Bai Shuyin asked. 

Wu Jiangfeng hummed thoughtlessly, fingers tapping a pattern on his long sleeves. "I hold no beliefs in such a thing."

"What about coming back from the dead," She asked curiously. The original Bai Shuyin was dead in the previous timeline and she, the Bai Shuyin from another universe, transmigrated into the current Bai Shuyin's body, years earlier. Wasn't that more likely to be a time-travel to the original Bai Shuyin? Just with a slightly different soul? 

"Immortal beings… or maybe a journey through time?" She wondered softly, like she was throwing out multiple suggestions out of nowhere before she finally declared. "What if I told you I'm a reincarnator?" 

"I never thought you were one to believe in such a fantasy." The Southern Prince said, staring intently at the other girl. It was unfortunate that Wu Jiangfeng was not a believer. If he were, he would totally be convinced by that fact. 

This girl, there was an otherworldly air about her— a detached almost puerile elegance, like a white lotus that rose spotlessly from sludge. Those clear blue pools seemed to look straight through him, piercing through that it reached a dangerous place that even he had forgotten existed. 

"We are blessed with an abundance of powers; from common wisdom to the discovery and usage of spiritual stones. We, humans, are also gifted by the heavens, pledge of endless protection by the four guardian beasts. However, something just can't be touched," Wu Jiangfeng answered seriously. "And that something is immortality." 

"Only fools will worship the idea of immortality, no one, not even me, can escape the grasp of death," He replied to the stuttered face of Bai Shuyin. "And the dead will always stay dead."

"As for a journey through time," He continued. "Time is a very delicate thing and I suggest Xiao Bai shouldn't dwell on it for too long as it could ruin you. We live in the present and the decisions we make now are all that matters." 

He was careful with his choice of words, fearing that he would disrespect her and her idealism if he ever spoke so harshly. 

Bai Shuyin's eyes flickered at his comments and Wu Jiangfeng tried to pick every one of her expressions. She looked partly disappointed at his opinions on her silly fantasy ideas. The white-haired girl, on the other hand, wasn't sure on what to express. 

If truth be told, she was very much grateful that Wu Jiangfeng took her bullshit seriously, yet half of her consciousness wanted him to fully look at her as the modern times Bai Shuyin and believe her and her ludicrous anecdotes. 

"Which reminds me," Wu Jiangfeng suddenly took a step forward and she flinched back instinctively. 

The Southern Prince immediately felt guilty biting him in the back, seeing as how the younger girl stiffened at every action he took. "Oh, I'm sorry," He murmured out. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to surprise you a little." 

'A little?!' Bai Shuyin wanted to shriek at him. 

"But it seemed to shake you a lot. Did I scare you that much?" His words were flowing apologetically. Witnessing how he expressed his apologies shocked Bai Shuyin, but that was the least in her mind. 

She felt a nerve pop in her head. 'Dude, you serious?!' All that fucking questions just because he thought it was fun to scare her a little?!

If only those questions didn't make so much sense that she wanted to piss herself right here and right now, she wouldn't have made a fool out of herself. Now he probably thought she was some kind of crazy girl who honestly believed in one of all of those fantasies. 

Wu Jiangfeng thought he had dug a grave of his own. Not only would he be unable to convince her to come back with him, the idea of ruling a kingdom along with her seemed so far off. He was able to hit two birds with one stone if only he didn't fool around. 

"Bai Shuyin," He called out her full name. 

The younger girl had yet to look at him, carefully keeping her distance as if holding a grudge. 

He had reached out to hold her hand before he knew it. Wu Jiangfeng could feel how her fingers went stiff at his touch. Wu Jiangfeng held her smaller hand gently, because he feared that she might bolt away any second at the very next sentence he might say if he let go. 

"Please, hear me out. I may come across as pushy and my actions are unclear from the beginning… but I wanted you to know I am very serious about everything." He expressed earnestly. 

Bai Shuyin's heart almost jumped out when he knelt down in front of her, holding her hand like it was the most precious thing ever. "W—wait, Young Master Wu, what are you doing?!" 

"I just wanted to let you know, I want to share everything with you, from the littlest of things to the point of ruling an empire. Ever since I laid my eyes on you, I see the rest of my life in front of my eyes. I'm sorry I'm so selfish, but…" Wu Jiangfeng confessed, yet it sounded almost like an aching pleading escaping from his mouth. 

"Bai Shuyin, be my empress."

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