chapter 16

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Araluna (Melina)

Weeks have passed. Around a hundred and eighty former citizens of Elmet and their children and grandchildren had come from all over Camelot back to their homeland. Lots of houses were rebuilt or restored. Around four hundred citizens had come back from the other surrounding countries. Counties of merchants had heard of the restored country and had travelled to the villages that were spread out across the country to profit from the fact that a lot of buildings were still in ruins. They sold all sorts of supplies and tools. Some of them even settled in one of the villages. Many people started talking about Elmet, though the country was more commonly named the restored lands.

Camelot had also changed in the time that had passed. King Uther had passed and Arthur had taken his place on the throne. Lancelot and I had visited Camelot for his coronation. Arthur had used our visit to take the opportunity of forming an alliance between Camelot and Elmet. After that visit we haven't been to Camelot. I had hoped to stay for a couple more days but duty called and we had to go back.

I loved being with the people in the villages. They were always nice to me and Lancelot. There were many small children who would look at my husband with big eyes. They would dance around his legs and ask him a thousand questions. Lancelot had been working hard to get a small group of guards together. He had managed to find twenty young men who wanted to start training. He would spend hours sparing with them and teaching them skills like trekking and horse riding. I would often look or sometimes even join him if I had the time and energy for it.

One day I found him in the training room with three of the newly trained guards. I wanted to talk to him so I pulled him through the door and closed it softly behind me. He smiled as he wrapped his arms around my waist. He leaned in to kiss me but I put a finger on his lips to stop him. He looked a bit surprised at me.

"I have something to tell you," I said. Barely able to contain my excitement.

"I do too," he said as the smile returned to his face.

"Okay, you go first," I insisted. Lancelot gave in.

"I have a letter from Merlin. Arthur is going to make magic legal in Camelot. He is going to announce it and we are invited to the ceremony." My eyes grew wide. "That's great!" I almost couldn't contain myself any longer.

"Your turn," he said, smiling softly.

"I'm pregnant," I rushed out. His smile grew bigger and he kissed me tenderly. This time I didn't stop him.

The next day we were on our way to Camelot. We were greeted by our friends at the gate. Two servants took our horses to the stables as we followed Arthur inside. The knights and Merlin followed behind us. Lancelot chatted happily with Gwaine and Leon while Merlin and I were having our own conversation. Merlin had a big grin on his face. Of course I knew why. Soon he wouldn't have to hide his magic anymore. I was happy for him. I knew how it felt to be afraid someone would find out.
The announcement was short and simple. Arthur walked out on the balcony. Beneath him stood all the citizens of Camelot, the knights and Lancelot and I of course. Merlin stood a little behind Arthur.

"Dear people of Camelot," Arthur spoke. "I am happy to announce that Camelot is changing. As of today, magic is allowed in Camelot. In my travels to the kingdom of Elmet, now our ally, I have seen what magic can do. I have seen that magic is not only evil. I apologise for the suffering my father has caused you by enforcing this rule. I hope every one of you will accept magic the way I have accepted it." When he was done with his speech the crowd beneath him began to cheer. I could see Arthur smile as he quickly looked at Merlin. Something told me that it was not only the alliance between Camelot and Elmet that had changed his mind about magic. When I walked inside to the dining room I caught a glimpse of a certain King and his servant with their lips locked together in a dark corner of a room. I quickly continued walking down the hall, not wanting to disturb their little moment.

That evening we dined together. The tables were filled with food. Music played softly in the background. When Leon notices the big smirk on Lancelot's face he asks him what is going on. Lancelot happily tells him about the baby growing in my stomach.

All the knights congratulate us. Merlin smiles at me. Gwaine and Lancelot exchange funny looks and Elyan insists that he gets to decide the name of the baby. Lancelot obviously didn't agree and threw a potato at his face. The look on Elyan's face as the hot potato hit his face was priceless. Everyone started to laugh at the same moment. Elyan just looked annoyed and Lancelot looked at Elyan Like he would murder him if he ever said someting like that again.

It was already dark outside when we finished dinner. We had decided to stay in Camelot for the night so Merlin led us to one of the guest rooms. When we reached the door to our room I congratulated him and gave him a hug. Merling blushed as he realised what I was talking about.

"How did you know that?" he whispered
in my ear as he hugged me back. I just smiled and winked at him before turning around and walking through the door. Lancelot followed.

"What was that about?" he asked.

"Nothing," I answered. Lancelot didn't ask further. He lay down next to me and wrapped one arm around me. He gently stroked my hair as we slowly fell asleep. Both of us utterly happy and at peace.

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