chapter 15

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The wedding was two months later. The ballroom had been decorated with banners and flower bouquets. There was a big dinner planned and everyone was invited. Gwaine, Percival and Leon had arrived at the castle last week. They had helped me get ready and provided some level of moral support. The closer we got to the wedding the more nervous I got.

More and more doubts and questions forced themselves into my head. They kept me awake at night. What if I am not good enough to be a king. What if I do something wrong? What if- what if- what if-. Now we had arrived on the day of the wedding. In an hour the ceremony would begin. I was dressed up and ready but my thoughts were a mess. My hands were shaking slightly from the nerves. Gwaine walked in with a soft smile. He put his hand on my shoulder and stopped me from phasing around the room. He looked at me and took a demonstrative deep breath. I followed his example and took a deep breath as well. It calmed my nerves a bit but they were still there. I nodded my head to thank him and to tell him that I was okay. I never thought getting married was this nerve wracking.

Arthur, Elyan and Merlin had arrived this morning. The latter knocked on my door and put his head around the corner. He smiled at us.

"If you are ready we should get you to the ballroom," he said.

"Thanks merlin," I said. I took one last deep breath and then left the room. We walked through the hallway together. When we reached the door we stopped. I looked at my friends. They nodded and pushed me towards the door. I couldn't help but smile.

I walked into the ballroom and took my place at one end of the room. The bridgekeeper stood there as well. He would lead the ceremony. Merlin and Gwaine walked in after me. They took their place next to me. I looked around the room. There were familiar faces everywhere. My friends sat in the front row. I recognised a few of the warriors that had fought with us against the monsters and I saw a few familiar faces between the servants. My heart calmed down and all the nerves went away. This was what I wanted. What I wanted for a long time.

The music began to play. The doors at the other side of the room opened and Araluna walked in. She looked beautiful. Her dress was simple but elegant and she wore the crown jewels of Elmet. The emeralds in the necklace and crown matched her eyes perfectly. She held a bouquet with white roses and lilies. When she reached me and looked me in the eyes my heart began to beat faster again but this time out of excitement. The music stopped.

She began to say her vows and my heart fluttered as I listened to the beautiful words she spoke. Tears began to burn in my eyes but I pushed them away. She is so beautiful. I tried to get rid of the lump in my throat before I had to speak. It only worked a bit and my voice was a bit weird when I began to speak but I ignored it. She smiled at me the whole time. I realised it made me happy when she smiled. Finally I was done. I took a deep breath and my shoulders relaxed a bit. Merlin handed us the rings and we both put the ring around each other's ringfinger.

"You may now kiss the bride," the bridge keeper said and so I did. I wrapped my arms around her waist as my lips locked with hers. When we broke apart the crowd began to scream and cheer. The music started again and I led Luna to the open space in the room. There we began to dance. After a while others began to join us and the empty space filled itself with couples.

After an hour, dinner was served. Meat was roasted above a big fire and various side dishes of potatoes and vegetables were spread across the tables. Luna and I sat next to each other. To my right sat a few friends I made with the warriors of the sixty citizens that had travelled with us. Next to Luna sat Nina and her boyfriend. Arthur, Merlin and the knights had their own table close to us. The rest of the people were spread out on five other tables. It was a day I would remember till the end of my days.


"What do you mean you failed?" Morgana cried out. Her rage filled her eyes with fire but her face was cold like ice. She looked at the wizard in front of her. He looked back directly into her eyes. Nothing about him said that he was afraid of the woman on the stone throne in front of him.

"You only had to kill one pethetic little girl... and you failed!" Morgana tapped her fingers against the armrest of her throne in anger. She looked down, deep in her thoughts. Her plan had failed. She had lost her reign over the perilous lands and all the monsters that lived there. That land was hers and only hers. No one would get to steal it from her this easily, especially not that tiny, little girl that called herself a princess. She looked up at the man in front of her.

"I want you to gather an army. One strong enough to force that annoying little girl and her friends out of her castle. I want them ready as quickly as possible. The longer we wait, the stronger they get." Morgana waved the man away with her hand. She didn't want to look at him for one second longer. When he didn't leave she jumped up from her throne. The fire on the torches flickered as she screams, "Leave!" The man seemed unimpressed but did what he was told. He sent a few messengers on the way to a few friends and began to locate groups of bandits and deserters.

Morgan let herself fall back on her throne. I will get what is mine. Just watch little princess. Watch as I burn your kingdom to ashes. That thought pulled a smile on her face. A wicked grin that would even give the bravest men nightmares.

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