chapter 4

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I hadn’t seen Melina after I had brought her her dinner. She hadn’t left her room yesterday and I didn’t have the courage to visit her again especially now I didn’t have a reason. I didn’t know why I was so obsessed with her. I had worried about her since the moment we found her. Seeing all those cuts and bruises had sent cold shivers down my spine. At the same time she intrigued me. There were so many things about her that were new and kind of mysterious. I had thousands of questions but I was too afraid to ask them. Why am I scared? I am never scared. That’s not true. You were scared when you were fighting that griffin. I rolled my eyes at my own thoughts.

When I brought her breakfast the next morning she was still asleep. I had been as silent as possible. My heart was beating in my throat as I walked through her room and put the tray on the table. I told myself my heart was pounding like that because I was afraid that I would wake her up but the little voice in my mind told me that that was not the reason, that it was something else I was afraid of.

All the knights were training at the training field. I stood at the edge of the field sparring with Gwaine. Our swords clashed together as we moved around but no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t focus on the fight. Gwaine’s sword hit me for the third time today, this time on my shoulder. He stopped and looked at me.

“What?” I asked, not able to hide the hint of irritation that laced my voice. Gwaine just  smiled.

“You like her don't you?” he asked teasingly. How could he know that?

“Who?” I tried to play dumb, but it was not very convincing.

“The girl we saved,” he said, rolling his eyes at my weak attempt.

“Her name is Melina and how can I like someone I don’t even know.” I wanted to say something else to prove my point but there was that voice in my head again.Maybe you don’t have to know her. Don’t try to lie to yourself. Admit it, she is beautiful, especially those emerald green eyes and her platinum blonde hair that looks like silver in the dark. I shook my head to silence the voice of my thoughts. Gwain just looked at me, his eyebrows raised in a knowing way. His expression was screaming the words: I know that look, I know you like her.

It took me some time but I convinced Gwaine that we had to continue training. He gave me one last meaningful look, this time more like: don’t worry, I won't tell anyone if you don’t want me to, and then we picked up where we had stopped. Our swords clashing and clanging together once more. This time I managed to focus on the fight.

I was walking back through the streets of Camelot when I saw her again. She was sitting in her window. I think she was reading by the looks of it but I was not certain. In my head I was already thinking of excuses to go and speak to her. There were still so many things I didn’t know about her, so many things I wanted to ask. Where was she from? What was she doing in the forest on her own? Why had those men attacked her?
She looked so beautiful in the dark green dress she was wearing.

I had stopped walking unintendedly when I stood under her window.  I forced myself to walk past her window and into the castle, slowly making my way to my room while scolding myself. I closed the door a bit more forcefully than I intended. With a sigh I rested my head against the door. Thoughts were spinning through my head and it was driving me crazy. I couldn’t get her out of my head. What is wrong with me? You don’t fall in love that quick, especially when you don’t even know the other person. Right?  I thought back at what Gwaine had said. You like her don’t you? What if I did like her? Would she feel the same? Of course not. Why would she like someone like me?

In my imagination her emerald green eyes were staring at me. A faint smile on her perfect lips. She spoke my name and then-. Don’t even dare to think that Lance. Don’t you even dare. I quickly removed the image from my thoughts and banned it to some dark deep part of my mind. 

I managed to keep myself busy for the next few hours. I read a book and sharpened my sword. I even fell asleep for some time but when I woke up I was restless again. I paced around my room and then walked to the window to distract myself. Boy was I wrong. There she was, accompanied by Morgana and four knights. How I would love to take one of their places. I walked away from the window and let myself fall back on my bed. Life is hard and unfair.

Someone knocked on my door. I sat up and gave the other person permission to come in. It was Gwaine. I smiled at him, happy with the distraction.

“Gwaine, what brings you here?” I asked.

“Have you heard about Arthur’s quest?”

“I know he has to prove himself worthy to one day be king.”

“Yes and to prove it he has chosen to retrieve the trident of the fisher king.”

“But for that he had to go to the perilous lands,” I said concerned.

“I know, it’s crazy.” Gwaine was almost shouting that last part. It was obvious that he was concerned. I had to admit I was too. It was dangerous out there. I kind of wished I could go with him. To help out and to distract myself. I could see the same thoughts running through Gwaine’s head.

“He will leave in a few hours. If you want to wish him luck you should do it before then,” Gwaine said and then he left, leaving me alone with my thoughts again.

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