chapter 11

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Araluna (Melina)

I have made up my mind. I want to go find Nina. I will travel to the village this afternoon and hope to find her there. I looked to my right. Lancelot was still asleep. I smiled as I thought back to last night. He really listened and cared. He kissed me. I kissed him back. Heat rose to my face as I replayed that moment over and over in my head. the feeling of his soft lips on mine and his arms wrapped around me.

“God you’re beautiful,” said a voice next to me. Those words were enough to make me shiver. Lancelot had opened his eyes and was now staring at me. His eyes sparkled and he was smiling.

“Good morning,”I whispered. Not wanting to disturb the silence. I have to tell him.

“Hey Lance,” I started.

“Yeah,” he said sleepily. He had closed his eyes again.

“I’m going to look for Nina.”

“Then I’m going with you.” Now his eyes were open again. Determination painted on his face. I wanted to object, to tell him that it might be dangerous and that they might need him here, but something in his eyes told me that he wasn’t going to change his mind.

“It might be dangerous,” I tried.

“Even more reason to go with you,” he stated simply. Just when I opened my mouth again to give another argument he closed the distance and pressed his lips against mine. My eyes closed and I forgot what I was going to say. When he pulled back he smiled at me.

“I’m going with you.”
And he did. We were both seated on a horse and riding through the forest. In a few minutes we should reach the village Nina was talking about. But there was something else, somehow Lancelot had convinced all the knights to come with me. Behind me I could see Leon, Percival, Gwaine, Arthur, Elyan and Merlin on their horses. I didn’t know how or why Lancelot had convinced them to come with us.

“Why are they here Lance?” I asked as I looked at the group.

“I know what you are going to do and I thought you could use some help.”

I looked at him. “How did you know?” He just winked at me before looking at something in the distance. There was the village we were looking for. Our little parade rode over the main road of the village. I didn’t have to worry about finding my friend. She came running from the other side of the little bazaar in the middle of the village. I dismounted my horse and gave her a hug.

“Luna, you’re here. I didn’t think you would come this fast,” she said, all happy and excited to see me. “Come on! There are some people who would love to meet you.” She pulled me over the bazaar to one of the bigger buildings at the other side of it. The knights and Merlin followed us closely. When we reached the building Nina swung open the door and many eyes turned towards us. Before I could ask Nina what was going on everyone began to swarm us and shake or kiss my hand. Lancelot lay his hand on my shoulder protectively. I looked around the room and suddenly it hit me. These people weren't just people. They or their parents had lived in Elmet before it was destroyed. These people were my people. They were looking at me, cheering for me and they did it with smiles on their faces and hope in their eyes. I pulled Nina to a less crowded corner of the room.

“I want to go back to Elmet,” I told her. She looked at me like I was crazy.

“Why would you want to do that? You know how dangerous that is.” The smile was wiped off her face.

“That’s why she has the help of six knights and a Merlin,” said Lancelot. He was standing behind me.

“How did you know that?” I was very confused.

“Well it was pretty obvious,” he stated.

“How was it obvious when I hadn’t even decided to do it myself?” He smiled at me.

“Maybe I know you better than you know yourself.” After that he left to join Gwaine, Arthur and Merlin, who were sitting at one of the tables.

“Well Luna, at least you fixed yourself a handsome knight. Are you sure you want to do this?” I thought about her question. The moment I looked around the room I was sure.

“Look around Nina. I might be able to give these people a home. I have to try.” She looked around the room as well, then back at me and nodded.

Within an hour we were on our way to the bridge. The ride was slow since there were around sixty people walking with us. I had tried to convince the people to stay in the village until the lands were restored but they wanted to see the miracle for themselves. I couldn’t get myself to tell them that I wasn’t sure it would work. That's how we got here, almost at the border with six knights and sixty loyal citizens.

It was only a few miles to the bridge when we were stopped by a blockage on the road. Big wooden poles were stuck in the ground. Lancelot and Percival dismounted their horses and started to walk over to the barrier.

“Not a step further,” said a man. He was standing on something behind the blockade to be able to look over it. On his left and right stood six men with bows ready. Their red and blue tunics were bright between the brown and green of the forest. The twelve arrows pointed at me. My heart was hammering in my chest but I forced myself to remain calm.

“Baron Pierson. Stand down or face the consequences,” Arthur said calmly. He stepped forward so he was clearly visible to the man behind the barrier. A flash of recognition crossed Pierson’s face but he got rid of it and looked uninterested at Arthur.

“Get out of the way knight and no harm will be done to you. I only want the girl,” he pointed at me. you can try. I could feel the warm sensation rush through my body. I knew I was angry so I had to be careful not to lose control. Arthur didn’t move and Merlin and Lancelot joined him in front of our group. I brushed past them to get a good look at the man. Pierson rolled his eyes at our determination and ordered his men to shoot.

I didn’t have to think. My arm shot up and the arrows stopped mid air, a few inches away from me. Then they dropped to the ground and I lowered my arm again. Cheering sounded from behind me as the knights attacked Pierson and his guards. The fight didn’t last long. They were with three times as much as the knights but still stood no chance against them. Not long after we could continue our way to the bridge.

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