Chapter 25. Training Camp Battle Part 1

Start from the beginning

"I aim to impress Onii-chan" she said happily.

"Alright well why don't you get back to training your quirk and to try and get over your motion sickness while I get back to finishing up my gear" he said as he started to walk away.

"Ok" she said heading off to her training area and started to touch large boulders making them float before she used it on herself and started to float while also keeping her eyes on one thing to not get motion sickness.

Izuku arrived back at his van and saw that his sound cannon finally finished calibrating and it had all green lights meaning it was good to go. He picked it up and aimed it at a part of the forest that had no one and then he hooked the wire to his mini arc reactor in his vans engine.

"Let's see how loud this is" he muttered as he put on some sound proof headphones that are used my soldiers who fire large artillery.

Izuku pushed the button and he wasn't disappointed, the small sound cannon created a sound wave so powerful it started to shake and destroy the trees it was pointing at. It was also so loud that everyone could hear it and Jiro covered her ears since it was extremely loud and started to hurt them.

After a couple seconds he stopped the sound cannon and saw that it destroyed Several trees along with damaging twice as many.

"Hmm... I wonder if I can make it louder?".

"PLEASE DON'T" yelled Jiro.

"Oh right Jiro, sorry I thought the outside noise of it wouldn't hurt you as bad, remind me to make it up to you" he said before he went back to tinkering with it.


It was later into the day, the sun was already setting and both class were exhausted but then it got worse for them.

"Alright all of you now have to make dinner for all of us including us" said Mandalay making everyone groan "so team up into teams of two".

Izuku walked over to one of the ovens and Kirishima decided to join him, Izuku liked his company and he noticed that Ochako and Shinso we're working together.

Everyone decided to make curry since they had the ingredients for it and it'd be the most filling out of everything they could make.

"Woah bro your pretty good at cooking" said Kirishima watching Izuku cut up all the vegetables and meat, he even reached over and added some chocolate which got some weird looks.

"My mom taught me everything I needed to know to cook, she told me that girls like guys who can cook and it's also nice to know how" said Izuku as he started to add everything to the pot.


*Achoo* Mei sneezed and rubbed her nose as she was trying to learn how to cook with her mom.

"Your getting a lot better Mei and soon Midoriya won't even want to leave ya for anything" her mom said with a warm smile.

"Thanks mom.. besides I gotta make sure I become just as good at cooking as I am at making babies then Melissa won't even stand a chance" said Mei with a fire in her eyes.


After cooking the curry they all finished and everyone began eating the curry. Kirishima yelled that the curry they made was manly and had tears in his eyes.

Off on a cliff overlooking the training grounds a portal opened and a bunch of villains walked out with one of them having ash blonde hair and he had two large grenade shape gauntlets.

"I'm gonna enjoy making you suffer Deku" Katsuki said with a sinister grin on his face as small explosions popped in his hands.


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