Chapter 8. Building The Suit And First Flight

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"alright Jarvis test one in 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1.." said Izuku as he activated his hand and feet repulsors and flung backwards into the air and smacked against the wall and fell to the ground "that could have gone better...".

"I conquer it was quite entertaining" said Jarvis.

"I hate you... I really hate you Jarvis..." Said Izuku as he slowly stood up.

"So sir what do you have planned for you suit since you only have the Arc reactor and the repulsors?" Said Jarvis.

"The metal of the suit will be made from gold titanium alloy and I'll also definitely need self-healing materials. For instance, key electronics will be made from liquid metal-elastomer mixtures. If a circuit suffers serious mechanical damage, liquid metal droplets near the damage site burst, spill liquid into the elastomer, and reform the circuit. Now that might prove handy when it comes to repairing any electrical damage from electrical quirks.

I'll also add biosensors and wound treatment systems. Biosensors check for the presence of dangerous pathogens and chemical warfare agents as well as biomarkers associated with biological responses to illness or injury". Said Izuku as he looked over at the machines that were cutting all the necessary material.

"That would be very good sir and in the future I believe you should look into possible nanobots for they may be even handier" said Jarvis.

"I'll try but it'd be easier if I met someone who's smart in that field" said Izuku.

On I island a beautiful blonde girl sneezed.

"Sir All the materials have been cut so you can begin working on the legs and chest" said Jarvis.

Izuku nodded and began working on the boots for it while one of his robots helped him with it.

After 12 hours he finished both sections and looked over at the clock and saw that it was 3am.

"Ugh.. Jarvis I'll be taking a nap wake me up at 7 so I can finish this. I only have 1 week until the sports festival then I have to work twice as hard on my space project which thankfully. Nezu let me take some of the construction robots to help Uraraka construction finish my factory and launch pad. Way ahead of schedule and hopefully will be done in 2 months instead of the projected 3" said Izuku as he leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes.

"Shall I slow down the process so the room can be quieter for you to sleep sir?" Said Jarvis.

"No... If need be speed it up but make sure it's all perfect.. I can't have any delays on any of this..." Said Izuku before he passed out at his desk.


Izuku started to stir from his sleep feeling something extremely soft and comfortable and couldn't help but want to go back to sleep. He laid there for a couple more minutes and tried to get more comfy when he heard a slight giggle.

He slowly opened his eyes and when he did he was met with Mei's beautiful yellow cross hair eyes staring at him.

"Sleep well?" Said Mei smiling.

It took Izuku a couple seconds before he realized where he was... His head was laying on Mei's lap.

In the blink of an eye he across the lab with a massive blush on his face "I-I'm s-so sorry Mei!" Said Izuku.

"Hehehe it's ok Izuku I put your head on lap since I thought it'd be more comfortable for you and so you can get better sleep" said Mei smiling.

Izuku blushed but managed to force it down after a second "thank you Mei I really appreciate it".

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