Chapter 19: Danger

Start from the beginning

"I'm getting a headache," Chloe informed them. At times Lucifer's maturity matched Trixie's. "Lucifer, Trixie is eight, you don't need to act the same way."

They both pouted.

Chloe sighed. "Look you got hurt yesterday and you need a day off. I'll put a sling around your arm than take you home." She knew he was disappointed - he looked downright disgruntled, his jaw set stubbornly but after what Amenadiel and Maze told her yesterday she couldn't risk endangering him. It all sounded so strange that she could affect him that way -- make him human.

She went to the first aid kit looking for something that could double as a sling. Not finding anything she raided the closet and found a long, soft scarf. She doubled it and had Lucifer sit on the bed as she tied it around him. He didn't say anything but when she looked up at him she found his black eyes on her with the kicked puppy look.

She sighed and sat beside him. "What's wrong," she asked quietly while Trixie was in her room getting dressed.

"I'm perfectly fine yet for some reason you don't want me working with you. Did I do something to offend you?" he asked concerned.

"No, of course not." She touched his arm lightly.

"Did it scare you seeing me in my devil form?"

"No," she assured him.

"Then what is it, Detective? I can tell something has changed. It's in your eyes," he pleaded with her.

Damn, he was perceptive. There was hurt in his eyes and she hated being the cause of it.

"Tell me the truth. If you had faced those guns yesterday without me being there would you have been injured? And remember you said you don't lie." She stared him in the eyes and saw him falter.

Then his eyes narrowed into slits. With a deep voice trembling with barely controlled rage he growled, "Who told you?"

"Lucifer, calm down," she warned him. Sometimes when his anger surfaced he reminded her of a wild animal that acted on pure instinct.

Through gritted teeth, he spat, "Maze or Amenadiel?"

She sat back and shook her head. NO! Don't you dare blame them! This is on you -- this is something you should have told me as soon as you figured it out. You could have died at my feet yesterday and it would have been avoidable if you'd only told me!"

Chloe's blue eyes had narrowed in response and he could tell she'd grown furious with him but it didn't diminish the anger she felt at Maze and Amenadiel's further betrayal. He took a shaky breath. For some reason looking into Chloe's eyes brought his control back.

He struggled to his feet pushing himself up with his good arm. "You don't need to know every detail of my life, Detective. I am no more at risk of dying than you are."

She frowned, he had a point there but she didn't let him off that easy. "You tell me you're the devil and I find out are invincible except when around me -- so I consider it a big deal when you fail to inform me of that fact!"

"Mom, Lucifer's hurt don't yell at him!" Trixie came out and stood by Lucifer's side.

"Lucifer got hurt because he didn't tell me something very important. Something that would have stopped him from getting hurt," she explained.

"Well, that was dumb. Why didn't you tell mom?" Trixie scolded the devil.

His mouth gaped open -- he looked rather out of sorts. Chloe suppressed a giggle. The devil wasn't used to being reprimanded by an eight-year-old.

His eyes narrowed. "I'm ready to go home."

She was going to drive him but was rather miffed at this point. "Fine, I'll call you an Uber."

Trixie didn't say anything as she recognized the tone in her mom's voice as non-negotiable.

"Fine, I'll wait outside then," he responded stubbornly.

Lucifer stepped outside. The anger had subsided yet his heart for some reason had a horrible sinking feeling. He sat on a stone ledge near the door. Had he just blown his relationship with the Detective? She was just trying to protect him and instead of being grateful, she cared he'd lost his temper over who had told her. He put his head in his hand trying to think of a way to fix this so she would continue to work with him.

Chloe hadn't called Uber yet. She couldn't quite bring herself to do it. He had an issue with being betrayed and she hadn't acknowledged that. She also hadn't explained to him that Maze and Amenadiel had only told her because they were worried about him. He probably hadn't told her himself because he was afraid she would react exactly as she had. Try to protect him by wrapping him in bubble wrap. If she were honest with herself -- she was in just as much danger every day and after what happened to her dad she overreacted.

"Mommy. Lucifer is crying." Trixie whispered -- her dark eyes brimming with tears.

"What, there is no way!"

"Look." Her daughter pointed at the window. Chloe looked out with a heavy heart ... and relaxed. Lucifer was just sitting there with his head in his hand. He lifted his head just then looking down the street -- presumably for the Uber.

"No babe, he's not -- look," Chloe assured her soft-hearted daughter.

"Oh, I'm glad. I like Lucifer and don't want him to be sad."

Chloe couldn't help but agree. "Neither do I, do you think we should give him a ride home?"

"Yes, can we?" Her tears were gone like quicksilver replaced by a happy grin.

Chloe nodded. "But I need to talk to him first. Will you play in your room and let me talk to Lucifer in private? I'll come and get you when we are ready to go."

Trixie nodded. "But don't be mad at him it makes him sad."

Chloe nodded. "I promise."

As Trixie went to her room Chloe went outside. Lucifer looked worn and tired. He glanced at her for a moment then away.

She sat down beside him.

He looked at her again, inhaled deeply then exhaled in an exasperated voice. "I'm sorry."

Startled she didn't know what to say for a moment, he had caught her off guard.

His eyes widened. "I should have told you."

She exhaled, paused then smiled. "I came out here to tell you I was sorry."

He groaned. "Bloody hell, I should have let you go first."

She laughed lightly. But then grew serious. "My dad was killed in the line of duty. Seeing you shot yesterday...scared me and perhaps made me overreact. But you should have told me because we are friends and I care about you. I need to know things like this perhaps a situation will arise in the future when I need someone invincible -- I could send you in and stay away. Amenadiel and Maze only told me because they love you and care about you and thought I should know."

He snorted. "Love,"

"Yes, love. Maze loves you - crazy love and I know you love her too. You'd go ballistic if something happened to her. You are family. Same for your brother - while you two may have some sibling rivalry underneath it all you love each other. I saw that the morning you found out your mom was in town,"

He didn't respond, he sat hunched on the stone. She waited till he made eye contact again then reached over and hugged him tightly. "I just want you to be safe. Not get shot or hurt or worse."

He didn't say anything other than "Ditto." Then he put one hand in her hair and the other across her lower back.

She put her head on his shoulder and sighed before starting to pull away.

Lucifer's lips grazed the side of her forehead. "Do I still have to take the Uber?"

She giggled. "No, come on - we'll drive you.

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