Shadow's Depressed Get Together

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Shadow lays on his bed, face burrowed in pillow style, you know what I'm talking about, like when you get so crushed by something that you squeeze the pillow over your face and groan sadly and pathetically into it knowing there's not much you can do about it


Rouge pats his back as he groans into his pillow sadly

He hates me Roooouuuuuuge

Oh hun you don't know that

He hasn't texted me since he left the paaaarttyyyyyyy

Shadow's phone dings

Shadow gasps happily

He grabs his phone and quickly unlocks the screen looking at the notification

It's Silver


He throws the phone flipping back over to whine into the pillow

Oh hun...

Rouge picks the phone up reading the notification

Oh shit, Silver got in an argument with Mephiles and got kicked out of the apartment

They have an apartment??

Yeah, he sent a voice message, you want me to play it

Shadow rolls over onto his back


Rouge hits play on the message

"Mephiles kicked me out of his apartment because I fucked up in a stupid way and I think he hates me now, I'm stuck here eating a tub of icecream in an alleyway"

'Ay, white boy, you plan on sharin'?'

"Get the fuck out of my face before I make your bones into popsicle sticks"

'Ay man you threatening me?'

Silvers levitation ability is audibly being used

A scream follows but it gets quiter after a few seconds

"Anyways, just wanted to know if you wanted to have a depressed slumber party since I know you're probably pretty bummed out about the party crash, see you Shadsy"

Text him back for me, tell him I'm up for it, also ask him if it's fine I invite a few other people

Done, he said that's fine, who you gonna invite? I'll type the messages

Tails he was super close to a breakthrough in his nanotech and Eggfuck caused an explosion that totalled his workshop equipment, and Rouge, she's my best friend and I kinda don't know anybody else

Well, Tails said he'd come over as long as he doesn't have to go home till tomorrow, and Rouge said she's got your back sugar

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