I almost fell over from the shock.

Now only? I wanted to ask, but stopped myself. "Really?"

"Your mother shares your concern. Alonzo is not okay. He was never okay. Prison changed him and what happened with Naomi scarred him for life," he said, his Lebanese and Italian accent becoming one. My chest felt heavy as I sighed, dropping my head as I tried not to let the emotions come to surface.

Naomi...I wouldn't wish that pain on anyone.

"He's not the same but he's still my son, and whatever you're thinking—don't. You're not going to track him down. You're not going to look for him. Let me deal with it."


"Valerio," my father said firmly. "Listen to me. He's trying to get a reaction out of you. You know your brother. You know him. He doesn't have it in him to hurt his older brother, despite what he's showing you."

"You just said he's not the same," I muttered, running a hand over my face. I didn't care about him hurting me. I cared about him hurting the woman he saw me with because he thinks it's unfair for me to be happy.

My gut told me that I was right to be cautious of Alonzo, but on the other hand—

"He's not, but Alonzo is still my son and I intend to give him the help that he needs. For now, don't pay him any mind," he said, but I could hear the doubt in his words. Even he had his reservations, but not wanting to believe that Alonzo was capable of hurting his family.

"Why'd he send me that text?" I asked. Did he send it for shits and giggles? Because I wasn't laughing. I laid back on the couch, releasing the tension in my shoulders as I listened to the soft murmuring of the shower.

Just thinking about Alani managed to calm me down—just knowing that she was safe had me closing my eyes in relief.

Perhaps I was being drastic.

"He complimented your girlfriend. His way of showing you what you have, and what he lost."

Girlfriend. I didn't bother correcting my father, too consumed by my thoughts to have an answer. What I have, and what he lost. I exhaled, staring at Alani's ceiling. Why'd my father have to make sense? I was perfectly contented with the idea of being wary of Alonzo but now I wasn't just wary, I was concerned.

"I'll talk to him," he said, and I heard a noise in the background. "Your mama is calling me. I have to go. Valerio?"


"Don't kill your brother."

He says that a lot lately.

The phone was put off before I could reply. I had no intentions of killing my brother, but I wasn't going to tolerate a line being crossed. Especially when it came to Alani and her safety. I just had to take extra precautions, or maybe I should go against my father and find him. But again, I wouldn't want to leave Alani alone.

The water stopped running and I waited, listening carefully to the way she slid the glass door open. I heard her shuffle around, drawers opening and the sound of her bare feet on the wooden floor. It took a few minutes for her to enter the living room— dressed in a baggy sweats and a sports bra.

Her pierced nipples poked through the material, the tattoo on the side of her stomach peeking through the hem of her pants. Alani's face was glowing, her hair pulled into a bun at the nape of her neck with two pieces of hair hanging out in front.

She was putting on a hoodie when she walked over to me.

"I'm cold," she whispered, and I opened my arms for her with no hesitation. "Violently cold."

I chuckled as she shivered, quickly laying down next to me on the couch. Her head rest on my chest, her leg over mine and I felt her squeeze me tightly with a heavy sigh. Feeling her pressed against me and seeking comfort—it made me feel proud that we'd reached that point.

I stroked her hair, relishing in the sensation of her body on mine. She sought warmth, not knowing that I, without a doubt, wanted to hold her more than she wanted to hold me.

"Want me to put the heat on for you?" I asked, gliding my hand over her arm until I found her icy fingers. My brows pinched together as I held her fingers in my hand, warming them up and I felt her sigh in relief.

"Why are you this cold?" I asked concernedly, still feeling her shiver.

"I'm always cold on my period," she whispered. "But you're so fucking warm. Just keep holding me and I'll be good."

"Of course," I said softly, playing with her fingers.

"Thank you."

I took her hand, giving her a gentle kiss on her knuckles. Alani tensed, but it was gone the second it came. She smiled, lifting her head off my chest and I nearly melted at the softness of her features. So beautiful.

I held her cheek, leaning forward to give her a kiss because I couldn't resist—not when she smiled like that. Not when she looked like she wanted me there just for the sake of having me around. Maybe she was using me for my body heat but I had no complaints and I'd let her use me any time if it meant being around her.

It sounded fucked up but I was wrapped around her finger with no intentions of letting go.

As soon as her lips touched mine, I realised that I'd do anything for this girl.

She just didn't know it yet.

• • •

Next chapter is already up ❤️

A Touch of Sin |18+|Where stories live. Discover now