part 1

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ok so sonic is at the same place Kirby was at the start but the fighters will be in different locations

suddenly sonic gets a call from his communicator

me: sonic can you hear me?!

sonic: yeah

me: i saw what happened galeem got everyone but i have Miyamoto here with me 

sonic: k

me: makes sure to defeat everyone as it will turn them back to normal

sonic: how do you know

me: i just do don't mind it

sonic: um okay

he rushed off when he found someone

sonic: MEGA MAN! (I'm using a random generator to generate the characters)

sonic rushed over

mega man spotted him and attack right away

sonic dodged a blast

sonic: WHOA talk about a close shave

mega man continued to shoot at sonic as sonic would just dodge and rush right to him

sonic: heh this feels like fighting eggman

sonic did a homing attack as it hit mega man right in the body

suddenly sonic saw puppet strings above mega man as they broke

mega man sat up

mega man: what happened?

sonic: galeem blasted everyone but me and you all turned dark or something

mega man: i see 

sonic: before we go on

sonic takes off his smash limiter and breaks it

mega man does the same

sonic: we won't need these

the two continued up ahead when they saw three fighters

they looked at each other and nodded

the two approached the fighters to see kirby marth and dark pit

the three instantly went on the attack with kirby slashing at them with their sword as well as marth doing the same and dark pit shooting them rapidly

sonic: you take dark pit i got these two

mega man: right!

mega man was shooting all kinds of shots and beams not just the ones he has in smash as his limiter is destroyed and he easily beat dark pit seeing as the puppet strings broke

sonic was dodging every slash sent at him with ease before punching marth in the gut making him drop to the ground then kicking kirby around like a soccer ball 

after kirby hit the ground marth and kirby's puppet strings disappeared 

dark pit: ugh what happened 

sonic: before we talk

sonic broke all of their limiters

marth: wait i remember now

kirby: controlled scared

sonic: ok so we need to save everyone from this madness and I've got a plan

sonic: kirby, marth you both go north

sonic: dark pit mega man you both go east

sonic: and I'll head west by myself

everyone nodded and went their separate ways

sonic the last smash fighterWhere stories live. Discover now