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everyone had just given their speeches on the cliff when galeem shot its beams

it started to get everyone when got pikachu and nearly got sonic

sonic: NO PIKACHU!

sonic: damn it i gotta get outta here

he tried using the chaos emeralds but it didn't work

sonic: wh-what

he looked over at Mario who was smirking before using the emeralds to fly away but he fell into a dark void

sonic: what do i do-

he then had a flashback

shahra: sonic... i want you to keep the rings of hatred rage and sadness as both you being able to use your darkspine form and you being the guardian of them would be smart

sonic: shahra... I'll do it

{flashback end}

the three rings surrounded sonic as he turned into his darkspine form and flew off at such speeds that the light couldn't get to him

(btw pretend kirby didn't get away in time)

when the light disappeared sonic flew back to the planet 

sonic: everybody...

he looked around seeing how everything looked before he put on a face of courage

sonic: I'll save you all i promise...

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