Trap house

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Chapter 27

Temp pov
" bae where you going" Alexia asked stretching looking at the time " your leaving this early?"

" yeah gotta meet the guys at the trap" i spoke kissing her on the lips " I'll be back in time for us to plan emoney birthday" i nodded

" i find it cute most of this was reapers idea" she smiled " he really do like her just have a hard time showing it"

" yeah i could see that, you gone be good tho" i asked looking at her lay back down

" yeah I'll just bother the girls and get on their nerves" she shrugged reaching for me to give her another kiss making me immediately do so " promise you'll be safe"

" promise" i whispered staring into her eyes looking away i went to the door but not before making sure she was good " if you hungry txt me and let me know what you want ok" nodding her head i left out the door and headed to my car starting it up i sped towards the trap. All the guys decided to work there for today and check up on things making sure these folks not fucking up. I can't wait to leave this life i mean the money good but I'm not trying to die doing this knowing i want a family but i can't have one if im doing this shit all the time it's too risky

Pulling up i went inside going straight to the main office were i knew everybody would be " wassup gang" i spoke up making everyone turn around and greet me

" finally man I'm around a whole bunch of idiots" ghost mugged shaking his head " especially you" he pointed at switch making him stick his tongue out

Laughing i just sat down and waited for reaper to pull up. I thought he would be the first one here but i guess not looking to my right i seen rage and trouble just staring into space making me hum they never speak they mostly mind their business and do what they have to and disappear i never really spoke to neither one of them but yet they always spoke to emoney which was weird to me. grabbing their attention trouble mugged me while rage just had a look in his eyes making me frown

" y'all good? I mean we never talked so wassup" i asked

" we good gang just never have shit to say that's all" rage shrugged " no hard feelings tho" he nodded looking away

" that's understandable" i nodded looking at trouble

" you don't gotta worry about us snaking you if that's what u asking gang, we good trust me ain't shit with us we just don't too much get into allat extra shit" trouble smiled which was genuinely true they wasn't there to harm or fuck shit up they just did what they had to do not wanting to make new friends because everytime they did it ended in them getting set up

" cool just know Ian got a problem with neither of you Ight , just stop being so quiet be making my ass itch" i smiled making rage chuckle at my comment

" you might wanna wash ya ass then my nigga" trouble scrunched up his face looking at me frown " what?" He asked confused to why me and his brother are looking at him weird

" pray about it" rage scoffed shaking his head making me laugh

Rage pov
After a few hours of working we finally walked out the trap doors making me and trouble go straight to our cars but not before reaper stopped me

" listen gang no funny shit but you moving real funny" he mugged while the twins came behind him doing the same

" I'm moving funny because ion kiss your ass" i laughed which made trouble walk to my side sizing them up " what's the problem anyway gang you been saying slick shit since i got here" i asked curious to why this nigga always on my dick

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