Evil twin

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Chapter 19

Third person

All night reaper has been tossing and turning he felt like something was truly wrong his little brother decided to stay the night with them just to be closer to reaper and his now best friends the twins.hearing his phone ring he hesitated on whether to pick it up or not. Going against ignoring the call he answered making exactly what he was feeling come true , he felt nothing but rage causing him to black out getting up he snatched the covers off throwing on clothes. Reaper received a call that one of his workers was killed the best one at that this worker been with them for years he was mainly over the drugs so it made him more furious then ever ...going downstairs he opened the door looking up he came in contact with ghost who gave him a funny look

" move" reaper pushed passed him trying to get to his car. Ghost knew reaper well but reaper didn't know who ghost was he never looked into him not knowing ghost was the top dog of all time leaving his victims tortured and beaten to death .

Snatching the door open reaper slammed it starting the car not before the passenger side opened revealing ghost who got in without asking

" fuck off im not in the mood" reaper mugged glaring at ghost but that didn't phase him soon reaper is going to know exactly who the man in front of him is

" drive the fucking car nigga I'm not finna be the one to blame if you get shot up bitch I'm here to help your dumb ass now go" he mugged back without saying a word reaper started the car speeding as fast as he can to one of the enemy warehouse he been scoping out

Ghost knew what he was doing this was nothing to him he knew this was finna be a blood bath when it comes to the two their both dominant leaders who don't take no shit but together their going to be stronger than anybody ever imagined

Pulling up they both went to the back and suited up not saying a word just nodding at eachother. Quietly the men walked up to the house looking at eachother

" make it safe, and show no mercy" reaper said with an evil smile making ghost return the same thing but more sinister his eyes got darker making reaper second guess who he was but shook it off focusing on the target . Knocking the door down the men separated killing any and everybody in their view

Reaper lifted his Ak up shooting the men he saw over 20 times each he wanted to be satisfied with his kill but turning around he was tackled to the ground but he didn't feel anything as he flipped the guy over bashing his head into the ground over and over until his head busted open with brains splattering out grabbing him gun he shot him in the eye, chest , and neck just to make sure he left a clear message he is not to be fucked with smiling he walked off going back to shooting

On the other hand ghost had a guy in the air by his neck with one hand at that squeezing as hard as he can loving the way the guy eyes rolled back and how his body shook begging for mercy but he wanted more , dropping him the man begin to cough trying to back away but ghost was too fast grabbing an axe he spotted on the wall he cutt the men leg in half doing the same to his arm smiling when the man screamed as loud as he can

" that looks like it hurt hmmm let me help make it better" he smiled swinging the axe watching it go through the men skull to his neck not knowing reaper was behind him ghost grabbed a coin with a ghost on it placing it on the men chest smiling closing his eyes he immediately opened it back feeling reaper behind him

" i knew it" reaper mumbled making ghost smile and turn around " nice kill" he smirked walking away making ghost follow behind reaper was shocked but he wasn't going to show it the person everyone feared of running into was right in front of him the guy that shouldn't ever be mentioned or fucked with little did he know these two would make a difference by coming together walking to a hall reaper stopped

" ya know this is kinda fun glad i could ride along" he smirked at reaper

" not like you was invited but i guess you Ight" he shook his head walking down the hall to the main door. Behind this door was scar top guy just like the one reaper had before he was killed but this kill is different this person was actually scar go to person he brings all the money and ideas in but not for long

Not knowing the boys opened the door the guy was only packing product listening to his AirPods dancing around making the boys chuckle he just don't know his worse nightmare was right behind him. Walking up reaper hit the guy with the butt of his gun making him fall to the ground. Holding his head he looked up with fear in his eyes

" don't be scared now nigga you knew this was going to happen" reaper calmly bent down looking the man in his eyes smiling distracting him while ghost went around the back of him pulling out a knife he sliced the man ear off making him scream and hold his ear. Immediately making reaper angrier reaper grabbed the man foot shooting it until it fell completely off

The guy knew his life was over his vision was blurry and he begin to shake sending his body into shock. Ghost wasn't done with him yet tho looking around he spotted a hammer on a desk grabbing it he stood over the man making sure he knew exactly who he was " the names ghost" he had a deep raspy voice making his victims even more scared when he open his mouth to talk " life sucks huh" he smiled while the man regretted ever helping scar dropping his smile he lifted the hammer up bashing the man in the chest over and over again making blood splatter everywhere when the guy stopped moving ghost backed away letting reaper walk up . The guy was barley breathing but that wasn't going to stop reaper looking up he smiled

" this is for you baby boy" reaching down he grabbed his knife stabbing the guy over 50 times making ghost grab the axe and sliced his head off. Grabbing his coin he flipped it making it land on the guys chest

" time to go home" reaper smiled walking away making ghost follow the two was happy and satisfied with their work before leaving ghost turned a knob by the pipes on the wall knowing exactly what it was for. Walking to the car reaper turned around to see the warehouse was slowly burning making him look back at ghost who just gave him a blank stare not in the mood for questions

"Hmmm" was all reaper said before opening a bag and changing clothes along with ghost ..walking up to the warehouse reaper threw the bag in making sure to leave no evidence getting into the car he looked at ghost only to find ghost already staring

" evil twin" both the men said at the same time dapping eachother

" you not so bad" reaper smirked " how about we do business together" he offered

" you read my mind" ghost smiled pulling his seat back closing his eyes " i want to see my sister so lets slide"

" fine with me" reaper shrugged pulling off both of the gangs teaming up would make them more powerful not just that but also unstoppable but this is just the beginning of something that would grow stronger then they know it

" fine with me" reaper shrugged pulling off both of the gangs teaming up would make them more powerful not just that but also unstoppable but this is just the beginning of something that would grow stronger then they know it

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