Emotional wreck

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Chapter 16
Third person

Currently all the girls were working at the boys main building checking to make sure the money is good and numbers are correct. They all been working hard earning them extra money which is well needed especially for emoney all she wants to do is have her own business be her own boss while also of course helping the guys here and there but she wanted her own and she wasn't going to stop until she gets it

" so someone birthdays coming up what we doing" beauty asked looking at emoney its now the beginning of October emoney birthday is on Halloween she didn't like celebrating her birthday nor have she ever only because her parents never cared to do so

" honestly it's not a big deal i don't care for it" she humped her shoulders not making eye contact she grabbed her laptop to check more numbers from another client. She wasn't trying to be rude but this month she was never herself because she always wanted more but never received that type of love so she made herself not care for her birthday

The girls looked at eachother worried emoney never was like this which confused she was always smiling but for this month they just didn't know they would be constantly seeing her shut them out like this

" well i mean it is a big deal , cmon E don't be like that you have us now we can plan something for you" Alexia offered emoney just gave them a tight lip smile but getting up in the process walking away with no words exchanged to the girls , making them furrow their eyebrows in confusion. Not knowing the twins had arrived inside the building heading their way. The twins were with the guys doing plays but they didn't want them too caught up with dirty work i mean they just got out of prison so eventually reaper sent them off with the girls not even giving the girls a heads up

" THE REAL NIGGAS HAS ARRIVED" Niko smiled holding his hands up approaching the girls. Niko was the loud twin who does too much and mean at the same time he don't care about other peoples  feelings same goes for Nino but he is the quiet twin don't care too much to talk but don't take him being quiet for weakness he will easily show you he has a voice and he can easily make you regret messing with him

" i thought y'all was with the boys everything ok" beauty asked concerned making Nino speak up

" yeah they just told us to come here and chill with y'all for now , sum about they didn't want us too much involved" he shrugged looking around for emoney even tho they just met her the boys were always under her they felt like she was the mother they always wanted for some reason they just had this connection with her Nino didn't have a problem showing it but Niko did his mother was a crackhead ran the streets doing her kids wrong selling everything they had not caring about them so he constantly pushes women away so it wouldn't happen again.

" where emoney at" Niko asked

" she walked off not too long ago , i don't know what it is but she hasn't been herself all day we wanted to plan her birthday with her and it's like she shut us down ya know" Alexia sadly shrugged

" she just has bad memories you can say from her parents and family treating her like dirt" beauty scoffed " i wish it was something we could do"

" we'll be back" Niko said pulling his brother away going to look for emoney they wanted to make sure she was ok and if she wasn't the boys would leave this building and flip the whole world over to find her family and make them suffer for ever making her sad. Walking to her office they opened the door immediately seeing emoney silently crying to herself on her office couch. She didn't even hear or notice the boys come in making them frown. They were so use to her coming up to them smiling and grabbing their cheeks that it made the boys angry especially Niko . Nino felt his brother rage and vice versa but they knew she just needed love so they both sat next to her making her finally look up at them. They just held her tight

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