Family matters

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Chapter 18
Third person
Its been a week since everything went down between the two gangs. Meaning the dna came back early emoney and switch dad paid extra just to have the dna immediately done and ready before it's too late. His crew was like a ticking time bomb so he didn't want to wait knowing they would get impatient and take matters into their own hands. The dna came back 100% on both ends sending the crew into a frenzy especially reaper who distanced himself even more. Since the day everyone found out switch did the same but emoney adored her older brother something she always wanted and nobody was going to take that away from her. It took time but everyone started accepting the fact that their family and they can't do nothing but respect that it doesn't mean they trust the other side but as long as emoney happy they didn't care including the twins they couldn't stand phoenix only because they wanted to be the only kids in reaper life but they knew it was selfish of them either way they knew reaper deserved real family other then them

Currently everyone is meeting up at ghost house to sit down and figure out were to go from here.pulling up 4 trucks deep they arrived at ghost house emoney and the girls were jumping with joy while the boys felt some type of way still.

" look i know this happened all of a sudden but their family it's nothing we can do to change that" zeek said looking around at us

" i mean ....i have a way to change it but it involves a funeral tho" switch shrugged looking away making emoney frown she didn't understand why the boys acted like this if anything they should be happy reaper finally has a blood brother something he wanted was family so why shut down like this

" i don't understand how y'all can sit here and be mad at them this is not their fault" beauty scoffed " this is family now do y'all not get that yes it's sketchy but reaper this is your actual blood and your acting like a whole bitch about it get over yall self and get with the program if they wanted to hurt us I'm sure it would've happened" she mugged walking away making me and Alexia follow

" she kinda right tho" temp shrugged making the guys mug him "hmmm hurt y'all feelings didn't i " he laughed walking away temp didn't care too much for them either but he also found it smart to work together and not cause problems they don't need as a group. He was the only one that would actually talk to ghost and the others chino on the other hand couldn't stand ghost he wanted his one on one and he was gone make sure he gets exactly that

Walking up to the door before they could knock it opened revealing zay with a box of chicken smacking in our faces. The girls loved zay they thought he was hilarious zay was the crazy one out of the group he didn't care about nothing and he was always easily annoyed Ak was the lover boy of the group he is gentle when it comes to the girls. But zay would make comments that everyone found funny except him

" ladies" he smirked opening the door letting them in first but stepped right back blocking the guys from coming in " sorry rats are not allowed" he fake smiled making the twins mug him ...reaper walked up pushing zay into the door making him drop a piece of chicken

" ayyyy bitch you gone owe me a whole new box fuck nigga" zay yelled mad at the fact reaper made him drop a piece of chicken one thing he didn't play about was food . Everyone walked in after following the girls voice walking into the living room they stopped when they seen emoney and ghost hugging happily

Ghost felt their presence but he didn't care he was too busy admiring his baby sister he already grew to love her he wanted to have a bond with switch but he wasn't going to force anything. Phoenix spotted reaper so he went up to him and hugged him making reaper body stiffen up..he didn't understand why this boy was still trying this hard for reapers attention after a few minutes reaper pushed him off scoffing

" ewwww" was the only thing he said before walking away making phoenix smile and follow him. The young boy didn't care reaper kept distancing himself from him he knew one thing and that was he won't stop until reaper loves him he knew it was a hard time anybody would react this way so until he opens up phoenix was going to show him he is not going anywhere no time soon

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