Chapter 2: Gallium and Yttrium<3

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This is short because I ran out of ideas already so yk🥲

<Third-person pov>
Shelby tried to leave but Katherine insisted that they should spend some time together, so they did. Although they felt like only a few minutes had passed, it soon became too dark to fly, even with magic. Shelby didn't wanna hold up the illusion spell on herself any longer, the redness on her pale face was a tricky thing to hide, but before Shubble could leave ,Katherine had already started to lead her to the guest room. "Here is where you'll be for- aaand it's completely cursed >:(." Katherine said ,disappointed "Welp! Scratch that, sleepover time!" Shelby's illusion spell had finally worn off so Katherine could see how red she looked.

<Katherine pov>
I propose the idea of staying in the same room, I watched as Shelby's face suddenly become rosy, so I assumed she liked the idea! "Come on let's go up to my room!" I must of done something wrong because she looked away from me "Omg if you don't wanna have a sleep over then it fine I under-" Shelby then cuts mdd ex off "No no it's fine! I would love to!" We walk to my room and I turn on the pigeon shack, but we both fall asleep before "once upon a swap".

It's about 10 am when I wake up and realize that Shubble left before I woke up, reasonable given that Joey could show up at any minute. Despite that, she left multiple of her belongings scattered around my castle, classic. I go to the kitchen and find a small book with some random gibberish scrawled on the top and multiple pages of the same thing. Besides looking like a summoning book, it also resembles a diary! It looks really important, so I'll head to the Evermoore to return it to her (plus It's an excuse to see her so I'll take it!)

Katherine kins luz confirmed (real😨) (‼️not click bait‼️)

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