𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫

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My feet smack against the shimmering tile of the floor as I travel along the hallway. Disgusted- or confused, I couldn't tell- eyes travelled along Malachi and I's figure. I glance over at Malachi, his eyes slowly meeting mine, 

"It's fine. Let's just, get through the day," he whispers. I nod my head in understanding. "And just so you know, I'm here. By your side." he assures. "Thank you." I smile, looking back in front of me and away from Malachi. 

A blonde, shorter than me, comes into my vision, her steps becoming more audible as her figure grows closer.

"Hi, Maliah, right?" she asks, planting her feet in front of Malachi and me. I nod my head, pressing my lips to a think line.

"I heard about the pregnancy, I just wanted to wish you guys the best of luck with the baby." she smiles, "Oh. And, if you guys ever need a babysitter, just give me a call." she adds before neither me or Malachi could argue with her words.

"Oh, that won't be needed. We're not even pregnant. Nova just started that rumor cause I 'stole her boyfriend'."  I tell her

"I don't get it. So, you're not pregnant?" the blonde asks, tilting her head in confusion. 

"No. To sum things up, Nova got mad at the both of us because I'm not taking her to hoco and so she found a way to make sure neither of us would have a date. She's being jealous and petty cause I don't like her back. I didn't get Maliah pregnant; we aren't even dating." Malachi explains

"Oh. I thought you guys were." she laughs. "Nope." Malachi and I reply in unison. "Also, if you can, if anyone who talks to you about Malachi and I 'being pregnant' tell them what we told you, cause it's just a rumor." I add.

"Okay. Well sorry for the bother." she laughs nervously. "You're good. Just, make sure people know it's a rumor and isn't true." I smile. "Okay." she smiles back before walking back to her friend. Me and Malachi watch as they talk, exchange looks, a few of the blonde's friends even looking back at Malachi and I.

"Let's get going to 5th period, yeah?" Malachi says to me quietly, bumping his hand against mine. "Okay." I reply.

6th period had come faster than 5th. Malachi and I were now walking the halls toward the cafeteria.

"Do you think something- or someone rather- will say something about how I'm only sitting with guys?" I whisper to the blonde beside me. "You'll be just fine. And if they give you shit about it, then they'll get shat on." he chuckles.

He extended his hand out in between us.

"Hold it." he says, so I do. I connect our hands ten drop them to our sides.

"This will just make people believe the rumors more Malachi." I mention, "Maliah. I don't care. Let them think that. I just wanna make sure you're okay." he replied. "I know." I sigh, "Thank you."

"Of course." he smiles, rubbing the pad of his thumb against my hand.

We  got our lunch then joined Jamie, Niko, Aiden, and Logan at the table.

"Hey guys." I sigh as Malachi and I sit down, our hands separating.

"You guys know about the rumor right?" Logan asks, "Yea." answers Malachi while I remain silent.

"Sorry about that." Logan continues, only this time he put his hand on my own that was resting on the table beside my food.

"Oh look. She has a whole group of boys willing to fuck her. Sorry guys, this one already got her pregnant." A girl walking past us comments, smacking the top of Malachi's head.

"The fuck? Don't touch him." I say, "Or what? Slut." she replies, growing close to my face.

"I wouldn't be going around calling someone a slut when they're still a virgin." Malachi speaks up, "Oh how are you this dumb in the 10th grade. Honey, yall fucked, yall are pregnant, she's not a virgin anymore." the girl laughs.

"Oh he's dumb? At least he didn't believe a rumor made by a jealous bitch." I defend, "A rumor? Oh come on. That's so stupid." she laughs.

"What the fuck is your problem? She's literally a virgin, they aren't even dating! Nova was just jealous because Malachi doesn't like her back. So don't come over to my table and call my friends dumb when you can't even tell the difference between the lie and the truth." Aiden finally speaks up.

The girl just rolls her eyes then walks away.

I roll my eyes too before turning back around.

"Sorry she smacked your head." I say to Malachi, "Sorry she called you a slut. It's all my fault. I should've just told Nova I liked her so she wouldn't do this." he replies.

"No. It's not your fault. It's hers for trying to compete with her best friend. She should've known I'd win." I tell him, "But still." he replies.

We both watch as Nova walks into the cafeteria, with no one accompanying her.

The blonde girl from earlier walks up to her. I watch as Nova rolls her eyes and tells her something. 

"Hold on, I'll be right back." I tell the boys before walking up to Nova.

"Oh hey Maliah, fancy seeing you here." Nova smirks, "Bitch we're in the cafeteria." I reply, "Whatever. What do you want?" she asks.

"I want you to tell everyone it's a rumor." I answer, "And why would I do that?" she asks, "It's fun seeing you guys struggle." she adds.

"Well last I checked you're obsessed with Malachi. Right? You care for him? Care if he gets hurt? Smacked in the head? These people you're telling are hurting Malachi thanks to you. Take the information how youwant, just figure out what you're gonna do with your life because it's going downhill with the shit you're pulling." I say before walking away.

KIERA SPEAKS: don't know when the last time i updated was, but here's the next one. sorry for the wait :(

𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 𝘔𝘈𝘓𝘈𝘊𝘏𝘐 𝘉𝘈𝘙𝘛𝘖𝘕Where stories live. Discover now